Folks: its sad to see medical facilities of various sizes begin to - TopicsExpress


Folks: its sad to see medical facilities of various sizes begin to prepare for their closing . Its even more sad to see the employees of these facilities watch their jobs disintegrate before their eyes. These people have to pay car payments, rent, mortgages, utilities, groceries, and ironically, health care expense just the same as everyone else. It will be a difficult time for them. Pray for them . The patients, especially the elderly , whom have used the closed and closing facilities for years, are now trying to find where and how to continue their normal healthcare routines. They will find SOME type of healthcare provider. It will not be what theve been accustomed to. Folks, remember when Obamacare was first being introduced , the current occupants of the Whitehouse told us we could keep our clinics, doctors, and even our choice of insurance, and he promised it will be cheaper. Well, they lied of course. Rural Hospitals and clinics are closing. Doctors are taking early retirement . Peoples insurance premium cost are doubling. I know a local doctor whom is moving his practice to an Indian reservation because the government regulations are less. Folks, the ACA ( Obamacare) hasnt really hit us full force yet.!! Theyre trying to FOOL people until after the election. It will get much worse in 2015!! Employers will be cutting hours, laying people off, self employed will be forced into an exchange. People whom are fortunate enough to keep a plan anywhere close to what theve had will pay three times the premium, and have a 5-8 thousand dollar deductible, which means they have only catastrophic insurance, which could have previously been bought at a fraction of the price. Folks. Mark Pryor voted for this job killing , confusing , fiasco of a healthcare system. Whats really bad, his no vote could have prevented it all together. But He voted FOR OBAMACARE . The fact is, Pryor voted as Harry Reid and Obamas henchmen instructed him to!! The sad thing is, many of the now unemployed healthcare workers and patients whom have no place to go , voted for Obama and Pryor. . The voters trusted them!! They must not be trusted this election cycle!! If Mark Pryor needs to find a new job because he votes against our wishes OVER 90 percent of the time. He does not represent us!!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 13:03:22 +0000

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