Following Jesus is a full-time commitment. It is something we do - TopicsExpress


Following Jesus is a full-time commitment. It is something we do if we are really serious about entering the kingdom of God. And that is why because we love Jesus, that is why we turn away from doing evil and letting our desires and our flesh corrupt us and defile us. Jesus said that it is not what goes into a man that defiles him according to food and unwashed hands, rather it is what comes out of the heart. And if we really want to follow Jesus and we really love him and he really is the one whom we want to follow, we will take him seriously. I see many lukewarm Christians in my life who do not take Jesus seriously. They keep doing their sins. They keep following their lusts and they say that we can still follow the world and chase after our sport, and entertainment, and fun, and we don’t have to turn away from these things because to do so is legalism. That is what they say. But it is because they don’t love Jesus, because when we love Jesus, we will turn away from our ways and we will take him seriously. You see, you cannot love Jesus if you are not serious about him. You cannot love him if you want to live your life, your entertainment, your fun, and you don’t want to put him first. If you cannot put Jesus first and you don’t want to turn away from what you are chasing in your life today, your career, pursuits, dreams, and goals, if you cannot put them away (from your heart) it is because you don’t love Jesus. Of corse you will claim him, I don’t doubt that. I don’t doubt you believe the bible. I don’t doubt at all that you believe in Jesus, because you claim him everyday. But I doubt very much you love him at all. Why is that? It is because you cannot love Jesus and also this world. That is why. People who love Jesus, they put a wall up in their heart against idolising things, idolising possessions, idolising people, putting mankind first in their life, seeking man to fix their problems instead of God. When we take Jesus seriously, it is because we love him and we become radically changed. You can never be too radical for Jesus. You can never take him too seriously. I get people they say, You take Jesus too seriously. Dear friends, you can never take Jesus too seriously, you can never be too radical for Jesus. This world of sinning Christians who go to church and read the bible and believe in the gospel, they are not serious about Jesus. Most of them live their own life. They don’t want to hear that Jesus said, If you love me then obey him, If you hang onto your life you will loose it. And he who loves his life is not worthy of me, and he who puts his hand to the plough of service to the kingdom of God and looks back to the old life, is not worthy of the kingdom of God, is not fit for the kingdom of God. They don’t want to hear that, they would rather say those words don’t count anymore, let us get a few verses from Apostle Paul and let us apply these. Dear friends, the truth always remained the same: Apostle Paul always lived for Christ seriously and sincerely, and he didn’t keep sinning. He lived a life after Jesus. He wasn’t entertaining himself at the Roman Colosseum, living his own life, chasing his own desires. He was only interested in one thing, and that was the gospel. He was persecuted and chased out of town to town, and beaten up and had his head cut off in the end for Christ. These Christians that quote him, they would never go that way. They don’t want to love Jesus. WE have to stop being like this generation. We have to start being serious about Jesus and stop trying to condone all our worldly ways. Christians message me a lot trying to condone their sport, their music, their sin. They try and say it is ok we can never be perfect. You know what, that is from Satan. Satan wants you to think that it is ok. He doesn’t want you to think you can walk the broad path to destruction, and end up in hell. He wants you to think that you are only going to loose some rewards and then you are going to enter heaven still even though you live on the broad path to destruction. But the broad path to destruction only leads to the kingdom of hell not the kingdom of heaven. Dear friends, let us take Jesus seriously and let us think today, Do we love Jesus? Because I tell you what, he loves you, he died on the cross for you so you could deny yourself and follow him and he will save you from your sins and condemnation. Dear friends being serious about Jesus is the only way. It is time you got serious about it, as time is running out and the Father in heaven will have no pleasure on anybody who does not take his Son seriously, and they will face his WRATH. If you have an ear then hear. Jesus bless you. https://youtube/watch?v=PEuduEKXVvs&list=UUe24MwwMf93_45ZmHkGrNXw
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 15:23:09 +0000

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