Following a lead given by Alexander Dugin, I came to an article, - TopicsExpress


Following a lead given by Alexander Dugin, I came to an article, which not only tells how the attack on the ruble was carried by the Russian or Russian financial elite, oligarchs, and Elvira Nabiullinas Central Bank, but also how these liberals in control of Russias financial and economic policies are personally tied to JP Morgan and the Maidan via Roman Sulzhik, the Director of the Moscow Stock Exchange, who took time off to go to Kiev, to directly participate in the Maidan there; he also met with McCain there. Sulzhik himself belongs to the liberals and Nabiullinas inner circle of closely interconnected personalities. There is also the story of the bankruptcy of Chubais bank Trust (good name!) and its fast bailing out by Nabiullina in the amount of 127 billion rubles. With this money, one could buy these days perhaps half of Ukraine. The article also details the blatant speculation of the above mentioned liberals during the attack on the ruble, which was assisted by Russias Central Bank. Translated by google: Secrets of the collapse of the ruble: what connects chairman of the Central Nabiullina with Senator McCain, Navalny and opposition ideological fathers of liberalism 22 AUTHOR admin DATE 16/01/2015 COMMENTS: Leave a comment READ: Armenia. New Maidan launched «At the end of 2014 collapsed bank TrustIts shareholders, led by Ilya Yurov disappeared. The reasons for the collapse of the bank - loans to affiliated companies, inflated capital and hidden losses - wroteForbes. In recent days, the Central Bank unexpectedly rated bank resolution of 127 billion rubles. Figure shocked the market and causedsuspicions of corruption personally Nabiullina - Elvira pumped 127 billion in bank pocket of his teacher Chubais?. State Duma deputy from the Communist Party, Boris Kashin 30 December sent a request to the Investigation Committeewith a request to check the legality of the former owners and management of the bank Trust and in case of evidence of a crime to consider the institution of criminal proceedings. The parliamentarian said that the decisions of the Bank of Russia there is no explanation for the loss of solvency Trust and the legal assessment of the actions of the former owners and managers of the bank Trust , which caused very large damage. RUSSIAN POWER Buyan and Ocean Told Vedomostione of the bankers, the Central Bank took the decision on reorganization Trust on December 22. This was done in a hurry, in the midst of the panic in the markets. To maintain the liquidity of the bank provides for the allocation of up to 30 billion rubles. Deputy chairman Mikhail Sukhov pointed out that the difference between assets and liabilities Trust is estimated at tens of billions of rubles. December 26 the Central Bank announced the final price of salvation Trust - 127 billion rubles., Motels selected financial corporation Opening. Due to the credit of the Central Bank FC Opening will receive a 99 billion loan for a period of 10 years. Taking into account the depreciation of the ruble during this period, the payment can be regarded as non-returnable. Also, the Deposit Insurance Agency will provide a loan FC Opening by a loan from the Central Bank in the amount of up to 28 billion six years. The Central Bank declined to comment on why the choice fell on FC Opening. But motivation is easy enough to understand, given the link between the past and the current shareholders of the bank official with the leaders of the Central Bank, says the blogger with the nicknamenotknown5. Elvira Elvira began her career with the fact that in 1995 worked as a secretary Anatoly Chubais Commission on Economic Reforms. The position it occupied on the recommendation of Yevgeny Yasin, who now works for the rector of the Higher School of EconomicsYaroslav Kuzminova - Husband Nabiullina. Yasin and Chubais - trustees of the former Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar. This to the late liberal activists patronized academician Abel Aganbegyan, who before the appointment Gaidar government offered him the lead formed in the Academy of National Economy Research Institute. Anatoly Chubais, together with his assistant Boris Mints, until recently, was a shareholder of FC Opening. He was forced to formally abandon the asset after the bank was accused of corrupt ties with the Central Bank. Now the action discovery Vadim Belyaev belong, Alexander Mamut and Ruben Aganbegyan - son patron Gaidar. Ruben Aganbegyan and Arkady Dvorkovich Aghanbegyan Jr. - not only for the collection of co Nabiullina Gaidar Forum 2012, published by the Economic Policy Institute named Yegor Gaidar. During the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev Ruben Aganbegyan under the patronage of the then Minister Nabiullina was in control from the Moscow Stock Exchange (MICEX-RTS), where he took on the job of a Roman Sulzhika. Winter 2013-14 years Sulzhik remaining director of the Moscow Stock Exchange, moved to Kiev, where the militantsparticipated in EvromaydaneAs well as the Russian opposition - discussed with John McCain strategy of the anti-Putin Revolution in Moscow (FLB Agency describes in detail the activities in the material Sulzhika Roma-red moccasins caught the crash. Director of the Moscow Stock Exchange Roman Sulzhik and Senator John McCain visiting barricades Euromaidan Following the appointment of the head of the Central Bank of Elvira Nabiullina, the group Discovery, previously held by small readjustment, suddenly became the organizer of the largest banking transactions - buying Nomos Bank at ICT Group and Petrocommerce - Leonid Fedun and Alekperov, also notes notknown5. No less active Discovery in the pension market - with a group of related NPF LUKoil-Garant and NPF electricity. It is not clear blogger wonders who paid for these assets. The bank has more than ten shareholders, and their names are constantly being updated. Now in addition to Belyaeva, Aganbegyan and Mamut group indicates their owners structure owners of Lukoil, Alexander Nesis, Sergey Gordeev, Dmitry Sokolov, Alexei Gudaitis, as well as minorities. But only in December at the openness to add five new shareholders: the last time - December 30 (OOO RGS and Credit Bank of Moscow), and a couple of weeks earlier - NPF Renaissance life and pensions, Stalfond structure and top manager VEB Capital Sergei Koshelenko. None of the banks top-30 shareholder structure does not change as often as the Discovery - indicates the familiar three shareholders favorite bank Elvira Nabiullina. Economist Vladislav Zhukovsky also laid out his vision of the situation in the material Once again about the plot and the need to investigate the game against the ruble on the Moscow Stock Exchange. 1. Only two party exchanges, namely the company Brokercreditservice (BCS) and the Discovery, provided the turnover on the futures exchange market in November to 7.5 trillion. rub. (In December, probably 1.5-2 times more) - is 80% of total turnover emergency section of the exchange (9 trillion. Rub.). Positions against ruble they were grown for several months, the December turnover exceeds normal 3-5 times. 2. Managing the MICEX derivatives market, a citizen of the United States and Ukraine, a supporter Euromaidan R. Sulzhik and a number of others on the stock exchange provided on December 16 (Black Tuesday), several technical failures that allowed a lower cost swap rate from 60 to almost 80 by providing compulsory closing of positions and excess profit organizers attacks on the ruble. 3. Since the turnover of futures and options exchange market these days was comparable with the spot market, the movement in the immediate section of the MICEX ruble caused a synchronized fall in the stock exchange and over the counter (interbank) market. Many exporters to hedge their foreign exchange earnings previously (committing to sell the currency at a specified futures price at the end of the year - at 35, 40 or 45 rubles. Per US $.) Suffered billions of dollars in damages, as well as many state-owned banks. Huge losses were formed in state-owned banks in the repo market, stocks and bonds. 4. The Central Bank of Russia withdrew from the control of the situation and the stabilization of the course - 16 December the Bank of Russia did not go to the market, trading the ruble did not stop, she Exchange rose warranty on fixed-term contracts from 5.5% to 12% in only 19 hours on December 16 after the end of regular trading, when the game has already been made. The size of the collateral is not increased in the main (day) session or 15 or 16 December, despite the fact that the exchange shall be obliged to do so if fluctuations exceed the amount of the security. This inaction facilitated the exchange capacity of positions against the ruble, introducing currency sellers in the futures market abroad and making them forced to close. It is necessary to understand and inaction supervisory divisions of the Bank of Russia, which these days pay attention only to the trading of shares (restricting access to some participants), leaving currency traders in the free mode (or rather, free-fall mode). Only 17 December, a number of participants was limited to a bid. 5. The structure of trades and actions of the Central Bank is the possibility of repeating the scheme in the next round of crisis with even more devastating consequences for the financial system and economy of Russia. With no decision in the near future structural problems exchanges and supervision of the Bank of Russia, the fall in oil prices to $ 40-50 per barrel is likely a new round of unmanaged fall of the ruble to 80-100 rubles / dollar. Characteristically, the Managing Director of the Derivatives Market of the Moscow Stock Exchange Roman Sulzhik belongs to the same crowd with under investigation Alexandrina MarkvoAlso notes Vladislav Zhukovsky. Kabbalistka, a follower of Rabbi Yehuda Berg (introduction to Kabbalah considers the most important spiritual experience of life), which is due to budgetary funds involved, as well as its civilian spouse Ashurkov,Campaign Finance A.Navalnogo. After the opening of a criminal case on fraud in a large scale both fled first to Israel and then to London, where, living in one of the most prestigious areas of London, obtained political asylum. Navalnyas well supervised nebezizvestny guru economy Rector New Economic School (NES) Sergei Guriev, now hiding in France. Just him and supervised A.Yasin Zimin and included in the Supervisory Board of Liberal Mission, Dynasty, Carnegie, Gaidar and others. -fueled from USAID(They are the bridge between funds and prestigious universities such as NES or HSE). And yet -Rector of the Higher School of Economics Jaroslav Kuzminov, spouse Elvira Nabiullina (a close friend of the daughter of Yassin and former subordinates Gref, head of Sberbank actively speculating on the currency exchange ...). At the same time in 2013, Gref is a member of the Advisory Board of JP Morgan, who, according to Vladislav Zhukovsky, 2009 bought some patents on banking information technologies at the same R.Sulzhika in 2000-2008 worked in a bank JP Morgan «Vice President ... Heres a vicious circle.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 22:49:50 +0000

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