Following my post of this morning regarding the Little Dresses for - TopicsExpress


Following my post of this morning regarding the Little Dresses for Africa, Im again posting this with a link also to the Little Dresses for Africa homepage. I am also including text from the Little Dresses for Africa homepage so you can see that these dresses do not only go to Africa. It is the name of an organization, rather like Kentucky Fried Chicken. If you went by the name, youd think you could only get Fried Chicken in Kentucky, but we know thats not true - you can get it worldwide, just like Little Dresses for Africa - the dresses go worldwide, including the United States of America. I am also including a link to Days for Girls that I was made aware of thru past comments. Forgive me, I should recall the name immediately of the woman sharing this info, but unfortunately the flu has dulled my memory. Days for Girls have instructions to make washable and reusable sanitary pads for girls, and so much more. Without these, many girls are forced to drop out of school when they begin their period. I am linking you to the page showing whats in a kit, rather than the homepage. Patti Warriner Moore - July 28, 2014 For those of you who have requested information regarding the Little Dresses for Africa that I do as part of my churchs mission projects. Here it is: We work with Nancy Zieman of Beaver Dam Wisconsin - the same Nancy Zieman of the PBS show Sewing With Nancy and the website Nancys Notions. At church we meet Wednesday mornings. Currently there are 5 of us - 2 of us are dedicated sewers. During the 2 hours we meet, one woman cuts the fabrics, then Im given them to serge the backseam. On to the woman who cuts the armholes, and finally to the 2 or sometimes 3 women who are the design team - adding the trims, elastic for the upper casings, and the bias tape for the armholes and ties. They then get put in plastic Ziploc bags and are placed in baskets in fellowship hall for people to take home and assemble. Once we are done for the year, we take a fieldtrip to Nancys Notions to deliver our contribution. It appears that we will have somewhere between 130 and 150 dresses complete. Nancy then covers the cost of postage to mail them wherever in the world the need is. Im told that has been South America as well as Africa. Im sure there are other places I do not yet know of. I am further told that Nancy has been responsible to delivering around 100,000 dresses to needy girls. Here is a link to Nancys website where you will find the Little Dresses for Africa, as well as Little Britches for boys - made from t-shirts where the emblems show on the boys legs. And..the pillowcase dresses. If you have any further questions, please feel free to message me. We are currently trying to put together some guidelines for pockets, which I will gladly share with you when we have them complete. Just leave me your email address in a Personal Message. Here are 3 of the Small Dresses that Ive made. and heres nancys website and the Little Dresses for Africa website: https://nancysnotions/text/pdf/LittleDressesforAfrica_pattern.pdf nancysnotions/text/pdf/britchesforboyspattern.pdf This is an excerpt from the Little Dresses for Africa website: This ministry captures the hearts of so many and continues to grow as groups of all sizes spring up across America. These groups cross age, gender and denominational lines, to serve the most vulnerable of God’s children: little girls. To date we have received well over 2.5 MILLION LITTLE DRESSES and donations from all 50 states across the USA as well as from the UK, Ireland, Canada, Mexico and Australia. 2.5 MILLION! That’s a lot of little girls!! With your help these beautiful dresses have been distributed in 47 countries of Africa! We are happy to partner with mission teams and travelers to get these dresses to the children who need them most. One generous supporter, Nancy’s Notions, has sent over 100,000 to us. We are so grateful. Dresses have also been sent to other countries in crisis such as Honduras, Guatemala, Thailand, The Dominican, The Philippines, Cambodia, Mexico and thousands and thousands to Haiti. In addition, we have sent dresses to children in need right here in the United States, in the Appalachian Mountains and South Dakota. But more importantly than how many have been shipped, are the lives that they have touched as these little dresses go out as little Ambassadors in the name of Jesus, to give hope to the children!whats-in-a-kit/c623
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:32:05 +0000

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