Following up on a comment asked about what exactly is - TopicsExpress


Following up on a comment asked about what exactly is transpersonal astrology - this short extract is taken from the Intro written by Andrew, Armand and Eric: "From a transpersonal perspective, notions such as good and bad are redundant - therefore all aspects within the chart are seen as opportunities for the soul to grow and learn, especially if the native consciously engages with the energetic framework of their chart. In this way, an attempt to help the native transcend, or go beyond, the lower vibrational manifestations of any of the chart patterns is one of the goals of a consultation. The emphasis is on growth, which often plays out in ways that are difficult. Instead of supporting the resistance to these necessary experiences in our spiritual curriculum, we can find ways to embrace the lessons that inevitably come our way. We can trust that we reside within an intelligently orchestrated system in which we co-create all of our experiences. Without a transpersonal orientation, astrology may be prone to sabotaging growth by advocating only for what the astrologer believes to be “good” for the client. From the transpersonal perspective, hierarchical assumptions and techniques that define astrological practice start to break down. No longer are there preferable planets, sign placements, types of aspects, etc. We begin to see everything as relative to a particular mindset and value sphere. As challenging as it may be to initially accept, there isn’t a “true” or objective astrology. Each of us is like a musician composing a song, each choosing a different key and tempo; some choose a classical style, others more contemporary, others experimental. Each produces a melody, but the means of composition are not the same in each case. Some of the musicians will resonate with what has been produced by their contemporaries; others will merely appreciate the craft of their colleagues. Seven major notes, five minors, infinite ways of composing. Ten major planets, twelve signs and houses, a symphony to orchestrate."
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 21:24:51 +0000

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