Food for Thought: What is Gods Doing & His Working in this - TopicsExpress


Food for Thought: What is Gods Doing & His Working in this present time and dispensation of Grace that we are living in right now? Considering the geopolitical, socio-economical context, what is God doing now in His spiritual realm and in His people (Church) ? Have you ever wonder, what He is doing now in His Church and how you are involved or rather, how He want to use you to get involved in fulfilling His plan and purpose for yours days and time on this earth? While God is a God of purpose, ever moving in relation to His purpose, working on the ground of His own sovereign lordship, no man being able to prevent Him, He is going to reach His end. Ephesians 1:11, tells us, He worketh all things after the counsel of His will, and we know that will is centered in His Son. He therefore works ever, always and only in relation to His Son. If God blessed, it was because that thing stood right in line with His Sons interest. If we want blessing of the Lord we must get alongside of the Lord Jesus and be wholly committed to Him. The Father never sees us apart from the Lord Jesus, and it is in Him that the blessing of God is found. If the Bible has much to say about divine judgments-and how much is said by the prophets about judgments of God! - it is because things then were contrary to His interests in His Son. God always keeps His eye focused upon His one object and that object is His Son, not how great certain things are in mans eyes. God wastes nothing. He is not just interested in little things as such. The little things that you do become very big things with God when they are done and related to His Son. Are you a very little person in your own eyes? Not so in Gods eyes, you are very important, if you are vitally related to His Son and doing things centered in Christ, God looks upon you as very very important indeed. But it is not your importance, nor mine. It is the importance of His Son. That is why He has given us the Book of the Revelation (of Jesus Christ). Before we reach the end. He has told us what it is going to be like. His purpose is going to be realized. Nevertheless, He keeps to this other principle-He always retains man in a place of responsibility. He never lets man off from responsibility. Why is that? Because His purpose in His Son is to be realized in man, the great. corporate man in which Christ is to have His fulness. Christ is not going to realize Gods purpose alone, He will not be in glory just as one isolate unit. So we come to this verse in Scripture, Paul says in Ephesians 1:23, that, the Church (Body of Christ) is the fulness of him that filleth all in all The Hebrews writer put if this way, Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers (companions) of a heavenly calling...we are become partakers (or companions) of Christ, if we hold fast.. Heb. 3:1, 14 Selah!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 03:48:17 +0000

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