Food for thought in thoughts of food: An indictment to British - TopicsExpress


Food for thought in thoughts of food: An indictment to British politicians and the cruelty of a right to food! First questions first, please answer the following questions yes or no, not maybe or yes but, just a straight yes or no. Is food and water important to the continuation to life? Is food and water a human right? Is food and water a reward for living within society’s rules? Does anyone have the right to destroy food and bottled water in front of hunger human beings? When food bottled water has been “thrown away” is it free to the finder? If you have any heart at all you should have said, yes, yes, no, no and yes. Think you are right? Unfortunately for you and me, we are both wrong! All of the above questions were answered no, no, yes, yes and no by our judiciary, police and political masters, and whilst the sound may be bitter on your tongue, they are our masters and for the present, we have to accept that they know best for the whole nation. But let’s remove the technicalities and legalities as well as the morality of the 5 question and look at what they actually mean in real terms for our society, for every citizen, every man, woman and child. (With the exception of those outside normal society like the super rich, the politicians and the criminal fraternity) I really am horrified I am even writing a piece such as this in the 21st century, we live in a world where millions of tons of food are thrown away daily and millions of people are left to die of hunger. In the United Kingdom we have “killing laws” (as you can see below) that refuse free fresh food to hungry people. If we find a hungry dog in the bin, we give it a kick in the ass and move it on, if we find a hungry cat in the bin, WE FEED THE DAM THING, when we find another human in the bin, we arrest and jail him. Forget the legalities, look at what we are doing (or allowing politicians, the police and the judiciary do on our behalf) we are allowing food to be used as a torture implement. We are allowing the politicians to destroy our moral values, to accept that poverty means hunger and deprivation and that austerity will kill through malnutrition and suicide through depression because of the lack of hope or aspirations. The true facts of life eat and drink to live and every day is a bonus to discover, take away that food and water and there is only one conclusion, A DEAD HUMAN BEING. Our attitude to austerity, poverty, the disabled and the destitute are being rehabilitated to replace morality for legality, compassion for legislation and humans are legally below animals as animals don’t get jailed for taking food from bins. Politicians, the multi nationals and the wealthy have made these laws and legislation to remove the meaning of “the right to life” We no longer have the “right to life” unless we can pay for it. But for people on low wages, underemployed, unemployed, disabled and many other parts of our society the ability to pay for life has driven thousands of people in the last 6 years to kill themselves. If I made food that killed 11000 people, I would be in court. If I crashed a ship into 11000 people there would be a public outcry. If I slowly drove 11000 people to suicide through harassment, hunger, shame and humility and bullying I would be lynched, BUT OUR POLITICIANS DO IT EVERY DAY, HUMANS ARE BEING DENIED FOOD, FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN POLITICAL ORDERS, AS SEEN BELOW. SIMPLE QUESTIONS: IS DENYING FREE FOOD TO HUNGRY PEOPLE, WHO THEN KILL THEMSELVES, MURDER? (THEY WERE GOING TO DIE ANYWAY WITHOUT THE FOOD.) ARE POLITICIANS BEHAVING IN THE MANNER YOU DEEM FIT TO GOVERN YOU? (THEY ARE DOING WHAT THEY THINK BEST FOR THE COUNTRY) We can all find excuses to fill the moral gaps in this government actively denying free food to hungry people, but when we can deny the responsibility we all have to make sure we are governed with respect and dignity, then the slavery we are accepting today will be the cross we make for future generations. It has taken 200 years to get our freedom and liberties in Britain and it has taken politicians and multi national economic dictatorships less than 7 years to remove the lot. WE SHOULD BE BLOODY ASHAMED OF OURSELVES. jsa
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 08:32:37 +0000

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