Foods That Will Help To Increase Bone As you age, the bones in - TopicsExpress


Foods That Will Help To Increase Bone As you age, the bones in your body start to become tender, weak, thin and fragile. The bones become more prone to fracture and breakage as you age. It is very difficult to imagine a person without bones. You will not be able to walk, run, stand up or talk without the bones in your body. The framework of your body is made up of bones and there are a total of about 206 bones in a human body. It is the bones that provide the necessary strength and the support to maintain your body to be upright. It is also important for the protection of your internal organs like the heart and the lungs. As the bones are very important for carrying out many of the vital functions of the body, it is highly important for you to keep them strong and healthy. Milk All the dairy products are rich in calcium. Milk is a rich source of calcium which is necessary for the strengthening of our bones. One cup non-fat milk contains 300 mg of calcium. This gives 30 % of your daily needed dose of calcium. Milk which is fortified with Vitamin D is especially useful for bone strength. Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium from the food we eat and hence vitamin D is necessary for developing bone strength and preventing conditions like osteoporosis. If you are reluctant to drink milk you can use it in smoothies and shakes. Cheese This food is full of calcium but they are packed with calories. So it is necessary to consume this food in moderation. Even 1.5 ounces of cheddar cheese will be able to provide 30% of your daily intake. The vitamin D content is very less in cheese. So you may need additional supply of vitamin D when you are consuming cheese for your daily supply of calcium. Yogurt Yogurt is a better source of calcium than milk. One cup yogurt contains 300-400 mg of calcium. Yogurt, which is fortified with vitamin D, is a good option as they provide your body with calcium and vitamin D. The presence of vitamin D helps in the absorption of Calcium. The Greek yogurts do not have sufficient calcium and vitamin D. Sardines These small varieties of sea fish have high levels of calcium in them. They have savory taste but can be consumed by integrating them into pastas or salads. They are really the cheapest and best source of calcium. They are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. These fish are rich in fish oils and they provide 324 mg of calcium in just 3 ounces of sardines with the bones. It is necessary that you consume at least a small portion of the bones of sardines if you want to get a good supply of calcium. Salmon Salmon also contains a good amount of calcium but lesser than that in sardines. If you do not like sardines you can include salmons in your diet. In 3 ounces of salmon with bones there are 181mg of calcium. Salmons are good for your bones as well as for your heart. Tuna Tuna is a fatty fish and is rich in vitamin D. Three ounces of canned Tuna can provide 39 % of the daily dose needed by your body. Spinach If you do not like fish or dairy products, there are still different sources which help you to get enough calcium needed by the body. One among them is spinach. Spinach contains calcium, iron and fiber and vitamin A. Just one cup of cooked spinach can provide 25% of your daily calcium requirement. Collard Greens Like spinach, this leafy green also provides 25% of calcium needed by the body. You can consume it in the way you need. You can make healthy frittata or you can opt for other healthy preparations using collard greens. Eggs Eggs contain 6% of your daily need of vitamin D. They are the easiest way to get some vitamin D. If you want to get benefitted by eating eggs, you should consume the egg yolk as well. This is because the vitamin D is stored in the yolk. Fortified Cereal Many vegetarians cannot consume fish to get the calcium needed by their body. For them, one of the best sources of calcium is the vitamin D fortified cereals. The whole wheat, and other cereals are fortified with calcium and vitamin D provide nutrient enriched breakfast. The added calcium and vitamin in these cereals increase the benefit of medications for bone loss and the exercises which help to strengthen the bones. Orange Juice Orange juice is really a poor source of calcium. However the fortified orange juices are a good source of calcium. Moreover the ascorbic acid present in orange juice promotes the absorption of calcium from the food. A glass of fortified orange juice may provide 200-340 mg of calcium. Soybeans and Tofu Soybeans are rich in calcium you can consume soy in any form. There is soy milk, tofu which will supply a good amount of calcium. Tofu and soymilk contain more than 250mg of calcium per serving. Blackstrap Molasses These molasses are used as sweeteners and they provide 137mg of calcium per tablespoon. It is considered as a super food for health. It is rich in iron and calcium. You can add it various food preparations. Almond Almonds as whole and as almond butter provide good amount of calcium to our body. ¼ cup of whole almonds will have 94mg of calcium and 2 tablespoons of almond butter contains 111mg of calcium. Oysters They are low in food energy but is an excellent source of calcium, iron and selenium. They can be eaten raw, boiled, baked, smoked or in many other ways. They have maximum nutrient value when eaten raw. Sesame seeds Though these seeds are rich in fat content, they also provide about 35 % of our daily value of calcium. Turnip Greens It has been found that one cup of cooked turnip green contains 197 mg of calcium and hence are an excellent source of calcium in our diet. You need a dose of at least 1200 mg of calcium every day for achieving good bone health. It is better to split the consumption in to 400 mg three times a day as our body cannot absorb more than 500 mg of calcium at a time. Kale It is a plant related to cabbage and provides 9% of the daily value of calcium required by the body. This is also an excellent source of anti-oxidants. Lemon This fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, calcium, iron, riboflavin etc. They help to prevent the erosion of calcium from bones. Do you want to escape from the bone loss and osteoporosis in the later stages of life? Then you have to include different sources of calcium and vitamin D in your diet and should also follow an appropriate excise regime to strengthen your bones.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 09:21:21 +0000

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