For Anyone Who Has Ever Been In a Dark Place, Please Read My - TopicsExpress


For Anyone Who Has Ever Been In a Dark Place, Please Read My Story: I was experiencing a dark moment earlier and in the middle of tears, a song came on (french radio) that lifted my spirits a little. Not being familiar with the artist/song, I shazamed it and a French woman with curly hair popped up; her name began with a C but that was all I caught at the time, and she was singing a song called Nuit Blanche. Nice song and it got my moods up a little. I started to get down a little more (although not as bad) and about 20 minutes later when I called a very special someone to talk out what I was going through, I remarked after starting to feel better once again: we should go to the symphony sometime, I havent been there in a while. Well, on the Chicago Symphony Orchestra website, I happened to click on a random day on the calendar to see who was performing: October 24th. They had an artist performing in their jazz series and I noticed the name was French...then I noticed her hair, and I said she looks familiar then gasped and thought Ill be d*mned. Hurriedly, I grabbed my phone to open the shazam app to see if it was the same woman. Low and behold, it was: the artists name is Cyrille Aimee. Already being in shock how coincidental this incident was as this (unknown to me) singers beautiful voice had started to lift me out of my slump 20 minutes prior, and then when I was searching for a show at the symphony to make me feel even better, the one day (and the only day that she is to perform at the CSO) that I clicked on, she was the featured artist that night...well then something else happened. I clicked to read on more on the artist, and wanted to hear another sample of her music, so clicked on the video of her on left of the CSO page, in which she was singing Peggys Lee jazz song (Its a Good Day). I bust out crying; this time, not because I was sad but because I was shocked and felt blessed. The lyrics (and music) of Its a Good Day are uplifting and send the message whatever youre going through, look up and keep moving forward, because its a good day. Im not a biblethumper nor a fanatic and Im not one to overdramatize coincidences, but I truly feel that to be uplifted by a voice of someone I had not heard of before (Cyrille Aimee), to be lead to her 20 minutes later when I was looking for another event to lift my spirits, and then to be directed to a song by her just after that is so positive and held the message that I TRULY needed to hear at that point in time to help me recover is none other than GOD. I felt that that He was speaking to me and looking after me at my lowest which (to me) means that He is rooting me on and present with me at my best. I have been so blessed throughout my life, and especially blessed today as I feel like the angels and God have been watching over me and speaking to me. If I had any doubts before, I definitely do not have any now. For me, music and faith are food for the soul, and needless to say, I am buying two tickets for the Cyrille Aimee performance this month. Thats the least I can do after her lyrics lifted me up through a spiritual savior. For anyone thats going through an extremely difficult time or experiencing a dark moment or a void, if you have good in your heart just know that someone or something out there is looking out for you and will pull you through your grief. For those who believe, God speaks to us through mysterious ways. My passion for Jesus has been reignited... Its a Good Day!!! Yes, its a good day for singing a song, and its a good day for moving along; Yes, its a good day, how could anything be wrong, A good day from morning till night Yes, its a good day for shining your shoes, and its a good day for losing the blues; Everything to gain and nothing to lose, A good day from morning till night I said to the Sun, Good morning sun Rise and shine today You know youve gotta get going If youre gonna make a showin And you youve got the right of way. Cause its a good day for paying your bills; And its a good day for curing your ills, So take a deep breath and throw away the pills; Cause its a good day from morning till night. https://youtube/watch?v=9juoVtTROG8 ~Lesley Yvonne~
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 04:38:04 +0000

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