For Aspirants appearing in Geography in KAS PRELIMS TEST PAPER - TopicsExpress


For Aspirants appearing in Geography in KAS PRELIMS TEST PAPER NO.2 GEOGRAPHICAL THOUGHT AND CARTOGRAPHY 1. Which one of the following forms the subject matter of Radical Geography? a. Socio-economic inequalities of man b. Geo-politics in different area c. Disparities in industrial development d. Agricultural problems 2 Kitab-ul-Hind was written by : a. Al-Masudi b. Al-Biruni c. Al-Idrisi d. Ibn-Batuta 3. The first treatise on cartography was written by : a. Aristotle b. Eratosthenes c. Mercator d. Ptolemy 4. The heliocentric concept of the Universe was first formulated by : a. Ptolemy b. Newton c. Copernicus d. Cassini 5 Who controls the Rimland rules Eurasia, who rules Eurasia rules the World. a. Mackinder b. Spykman c. Alfred Mahan d. Whittlesey 6 The approach in the study of geography which claims that geography should be concerned essentially with the formulation of scientific laws is known as the : a. Idiographic Approach b. Nomothetic Approach c. Positivistic Approach d. Radical Approach 7. The approach in Geography which states that actions are motivated by cognitive process is the sense of: a. behaviouralism b. humanism c. positivism d. radicalism 8 The theory that events can only be explained as stages in a movement towards a pre-ordained end is known as : a. functionalism b. humanism c. phenomenology d. teleology 9. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists : List I List II a. Lebensraum 1. La Blache b. Pays 2. Solinus c. Orbis Terrarum 3. Ptolemy d. Terra Incognita 4 Ratzel 10 Who among the following is regarded as the founder of Exceptionalism in Geography? a. Blaut b. Haggett c. Harvey d. Hartshorne 11. The doctrine of uniformitarianism, that is ‘The present is the key to the past’ was advocated by a. Dutton, C.E. b. Gilbert, G.K c. Hutton, J. d. Playfair, J. 12. Which one of the following approaches to geography stressed on a historic view of economy, society and polity? a. Behaviouralism b. Humanism c. Positivism d. Radicalism 13. While Explaining the relation between nature and man, Blache cited the instance of the tradition of a regional concept in France known as: a. compage b. formal region c. functional region d. pays 14. An early statement of Geography as Choronology was provided by : a. Kant b. Humboldt c. Ritter d. Varenius 15. Huntington is noted for describing a. man as a product of the earth’s surface b. the evolution of landforms c. the effects of climatie on human life d. the historical ecological study of the cultural land scape 16. In support of his hypothesis on the origin of the Earth which one of the following scholars said, “Give me matter and I will build a world out of it”? a. James Jeans b. T.C. Chamberlin c. Immanuel Kant d. Laplace 17. Who among the following contributed most to the development of Astronomy? a. Greeks b. Romans c. Indians d. Arabs 18. From amongst the following Arab scholars, who is best known for his extensive travels and written accounts of geographical importance? a. Ibn-Haukal b. Al-Hasudi c. Al-Biruni d. Ibn-Batuta 19. The idea for digging a canal across Panama Isthmus was put forward by : a. Ptolemy b. Strabo c. Ratzel d. Humboldt 20. Which one of the following is a key concept in humanistic geography? a. development and quality of life b. spatial location c. spatial concentration d. geographical distribution 21. The Arab geographer who authored the book Amusement for Him Who Desires to Travel Around the world. Also called the book of Roger and who is famous for his Silver Map was : a. Al Idrisi b. Al Biruni c. Al Maqdisi d. Al Istakhari 22. One of the pioneer German geographers of 19th century, who presented the organic theory of state, was : a. Alexander Von Humboldt b. Carl Ritter c. Friedrich Ratzel d. Alfred Hettner 23. Behaviouralism came into existence as reaction against a. environmental determinism b. quantification c. possibilism d. regionalism 24. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched? a. Ellen Semple : Stop and Go Determinism b. Friedrich Ratzel : Pulsation Hypothesis c. Vidal de la Blache : Genre de vie d. Griffin Taylor : Lebensruam 25. Physical environment offers opportunities for a range of possible directions of development and it depends on human initiatives in particular directions of progress. This basic premise in geography is known as : a. determinism b. neo-determinism c. possibilism d. probabilism 26. Who advocated climate as the main determinant of history, culture, lifestyle and occupations? a. G. Taylor b. F. Ratzel c. E. Semple d. E. Huntington 27. The terms longitude and latitude were first used by : a. Eratosthenes b. Anaximander c. Ptolemy d. Homer 28. Which one of the following concepts is associated with Vidal de la Blache? a. Landscape chorology b. Mathematicl Geography c. Terrestial whole d. Landchaft 29. Who among the following scholars followed the teleological approach in the study of the earth? a. Alexander Von Humboldt b. Carl Ritter c. Immanuel Kant d. Bernard Varenius 30. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? a. Hecataeus : Ges-periodos b. Anaximander : Gnomon c. Eratosthenes : Pangaea d. Hipparchus : Astrolabe 31. Rhumb line is a : a. line on the earth’s surface which cuts all meridians at the same angle b. technical name for the international date line c. line connecting the Greenwich meridian with the international date line d. line which gives correct distance on Mercator’s projection. 32. If the map drawn to a scale of 1cm to 30km is to be enlarged three times, then representative fraction of the enlarged map will be : a. 1 : 1000000 b. 1 : 3000000 c. 1 : 6000000 d. 1 : 9000000 33. A survey which is specifically concerned with landed property is known as : a. cadastral survey b. geodetic survey c. thematic survey d. triangulation survey 34. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists : List I (Isolines) List II (Features) A. Isotropes 1. Rainfall B. Isopachs 2. Cloud base C. Isohytes 3. Potential temperature D. Isohypses 4. Cumulonimbus 35. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? a. Rotameter : used for measuring distances on maps b. Plainmeter : used for measuring areas on maps c. Plantograph : used for reduction of maps d. Ediograph : used for measuring volumes 36. In which of the following projections, scale is correct along 450 latitude? a. equal area cylindrical projection b. Gall’s projection c. Mercator projection d. Mollweide’s projection 37. What is the Representative Fraction (R.F) if the given scale is 2’ : 1 mile? a. 1 : 31680 b. 1 : 62360 c. 1 : 126720 d. 1 : 63360
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 07:27:37 +0000

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