For Those of you who were not here for the early Morning The - TopicsExpress


For Those of you who were not here for the early Morning The Lord will work out His Plans for my life – for Your Lovingkindness, Lord, continues forever. Don’t abandon me – You made me. Psalms 138:8, LB Message from 01 25, 1993 Showing that Gods Word never Returns Void Many of you know that this verse has been on my heart. I have shared it with you when I have been around you. Each day this verse becomes more real to me because I have read the Book of Psalms once each month for the last year. I know that I have read this verse twelve times in the last twelve months. The first eleven times I did not hear what it said, but this December, when I read it, it came alive in my heart. I was allowed to see this foundation, the Word of God, become more solid in my life. As I sit and think about the Promise of God in this verse, I think about many of my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus who have shared their concerns with me. I can see our God fixing those concerns, bringing to pass that what concerns us and in proportion to how much we are concerned. Now a caution, we must prayerfully consider about what we are concerned. This world and all that is in it is vanity and will pass away. Yes, we have the personal things that we are concerned with and we should and we can believe our God to Perfect these concerns. As I have driven many miles and done much thinking, I have come to realize that I am not as concerned as I should be for many of those who do not know Jesus, for the lost of the world. I know now that our God has shown me this. I know that I can become concerned and that our God will Perfect this within me, within you also if you will allow yourself to become concerned. We were created in the Image of God and for that reason we many times can understand God by looking at ourselves and how we react in different circumstances. When our children come to us with something about which they are concerned we may not at first hear them. If they are very concerned and they keep reminding us we will come up with a solid answer to their concerns. When they first call upon us, we do not forget their concern but we many times put them on the back burner. Sometimes we think that later these things will be done. We dont forget we just dont do it right away. God does not forget our concerns. The more concerned we are the more we pray to Him about them. In His Perfect Timing He Will Perfect (fix) our concerns. He has promised us this in Psalms 138:8. On December 23rd God opened this up to me so I could hear and understand this verse. Since that time He has shown me, allowed me to see, many prayers He has answered for me in this last year. I have asked Him to make Himself real in the hearts of many of my loved ones. He has shown me proof that He is doing this across the nation. My nine-year-old son asked for a BB gun for Christmas last year. This year I knew he was still not ready for this request to be met. I had to say no both years. Our God, when we ask for things that will hurt us, must also say no. He does this because He Loves us too much to give us something that will hurt us. God allows us to see answered prayer. While at Brother Gary Stigalls home yesterday he shared with me about a revival that he held in a town last week. He told me about a man who attended this revival. This man had been crying out in much concern for salvation in his fathers life. This is a man who Gary had never met before and I have never met him. As he shared his concerns with Gary, Gary assured him that God was answering his concerns. How did Gary know? Well, God had sent Gary and me about a month ago to tell this mans father about Jesus and His saving grace. We did not know this man or his father when God sent us to witness to the father. As Gary told me about this experience I was reminded of Psalms 138:8 and had to show it to Gary. Oh the joy that flowed as we both shared Gods faithfulness. As we were strengthened by this joy, later that day we went into a jail filled with the joy of the Lord. We sat in amazement at the words that came out of our mouths and the mouths of the inmates during that service. We knew that our words came from God Speaking through us and they were just what we all needed to hear. Yes, we ministered to ourselves as we heard these words. The Word of God will not return void ever. How do I know this? God has Promised us. I have noticed that God delivers us first from the sins in our lives about which we are most concerned. At times it seems as though God is not concerned with our concerns. This is usually when we are allowed to see Him start Moving. Many times He Moves at a slower pace than we like. Someday we will understand and know why. Our ways are not Gods Ways. His Ways are not our ways. When I am allowed to see what He is doing, I praise and worship Him. Worry is not concern. Worry is not trusting God. Worry is fear that God is not bigger than our worries. Worry causes bitterness. Concern is to care about something that needs to be done. Something that we cannot do ourselves. We trust Him to Know what is best for all those concerned. Gods Word and Concern is for all to be saved and brought into The Kingdom of God now and into The Kingdom of Heaven later. Jesus Said in Matthew 28 that all power was given unto Him in heaven and in earth. And Jesus came and Spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth (Matthew 28:18). That was when the Kingdom of God began here on earth. We no longer have to be under the control of the evil one. We can make Jesus the Lord of our lives and live under His Power. His Power is much greater than the power of satan. Now we have a choice. Our flesh always tries to get us to serve pleasure. When we become concerned, God will make that concern perfect in our lives. God will fix whatever we are concerned about if it lines up with His Will. And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His Will, He Heareth us: And if we know that He Hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him (1st John 5:14-15). Let us hear, O Lord God, we pray, Amen and Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 01:49:01 +0000

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