For a Christians faith to grow, I believe that they have to go - TopicsExpress


For a Christians faith to grow, I believe that they have to go through trials and temptations. Gods Word says that, in every temptation, God has made a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13) provided we look to the Christ for strength out of that temptation hence PHILIPPIANS 4:13. Look Job, Joseph, David and others, they went through some of the worst trials but their faith in God pulled them through, hence their faith grew greatly after those trials, for instance look at the end stories of Job and Joseph, they died happy men yet at a certain point in their lives they thought theyd never make it out. Yeah! I know its tough, sometimes life presents you with difficult situations that you want to quit everything in life. Im going through that right now, I cried twice this week, on sunday and today, but I know that this is a preparation for the greatest Testimony ever. I still trust in God even though it seems like I shouldnt because I know that; GOD IS STILL GOD, NO MATTER THE SITUATION!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 22:06:42 +0000

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