For about 4 years now, I have hoped, dreamed, and prayed that - TopicsExpress


For about 4 years now, I have hoped, dreamed, and prayed that there may come a day wherein I could take part in a Christ and Culture Symposium. Even if I would only rate setting up chairs and handing our songbooks, I would still hope for a good seat at this Symposium. Some of the more salient points of this corrupt Indigenous Theology I would like to see addressed in a Symposium of this nature would be these: 1.) There is an entire group of teachers that have organized into a network of sorts, and have attempted to lay waste to all historical missions efforts amongst Native Americans. We live in a day and age wherein our Euro-American brothers/sisters in Christ, past and present, have a target painted on their backs and are often the objects of derision. The history of missions workers amongst Native Americans are replete with stories of obedient servants of Christ risking life and limb to preach the gospel. There are also many examples of missions workers esconcing themselves in Native language, culture, tradition and even the struggles Native people faced when their lifeways seemed at an end, and their forced assimilation by another, dominant culture. Yet in this day we are repeatedly being told the white man was/is the enemy, and that often from Native ministers and teachers. 2.) Many of the racist remarks directed at white people are often cloaked in jest and so not taken seriously. It is a serious problem though, and completely conflicts with scripture. Yes, there is a growing number of Christians of Native descent that are being taught its okay to harbor resentment and unresolved anger at the white man. Instead of being taught to study and hide G-Ds Word in their heart, Native people are being taught the worst-case-scenario history of some mis-guided missionary and being told that this is how all white men brought us Christianity. All white people are then pronounced guilty and reconciliation ceremonies are held in churches, and other gathering places. A random representative is chosen that supposedly represents an entire race, or church movement to apologize to a select group of individuals claming to be of Native ancestry and those too supposedly represent an entire group of Native people. That is simply not possible and many of these reconciliation efforts are a one-sided affair that makes villians of all Christians, and victimizes all Indians. 3.) Much of the unresolved anger, unforgiveness, and racism is readily found amongst many Native ministers. Now, we know that many cultures here in America have felt the lash of racism, and no culture has suffered more than the other. We should not be surprised to hear those that dont know Christ as their Savior (and L-RD of their lives), to spread hate and division. As children of the devil we shouldnt expect anything less/more from them as they have not committed themselves to living as Christ taught and did. But, when a professing Christian, of whatever descent, stands in a pulpit and denounces other Christians based simply on race, or ethnicity, certainly they have not surrendered their entire life to Christ. If a Christian leader has not fully surrendered to Christ, or allowed the regenerative power of the Holy Ghost free rein in their lives, how can they teach others the same? 4.) A complete exposit on acceptable forms of colonization. 5.) A thorough exposit on animism, pantheism, totemism and pluralism and a how that relates to Native cultures and (Rom. 1:18-32). 6.) Can Native people continue to use forms and objects once dedicated to their cultural dieties once they make a profession of faith in Christ alone? 7.) I have written a growing amount of material that directly pertains to modern issues facing Native evangelism and missions work. I need someone to edit, revise it, and help me gather it all into a book form for release before August 2015. I would like the title of my book to be, One Church, Without Tribes-How the Power of the Gospel Still Changes Native America.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 01:01:32 +0000

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