For all my musician friends, believe in and stand behind your art, - TopicsExpress


For all my musician friends, believe in and stand behind your art, and it will stand behind you. Lets talk about making a living a music for a minute in small venues (a question that artists ask about a lot). When deciding what to charge at a Restaurant / Pub venue, my advice is always at a bare minimum charge what a bartender makes on a good night (tips+wage). Charging a respectable wage for yourself is the only way you can do music (full time). Charging less will require you to have an additional job (which takes the focus off your music and everything involved in promoting it & making it successful - truly: its a full time job). Additionally, charging less brings the whole trade down and makes it inviable. Imagine welders working for 8 $/ hr? Beginning doctors starting for 13.50$ / hr? Auto mechanics fixing cars for exposure. Dont do it friends. And educate those gracefully that ask you to do things an unacceptable rates. Did you know, sometimes the word Cant is a good word? For Example: Sorry I cant play for that price, I have to support myself, this is a full time endeavour for me. The world deserves good musicians and good musicians need to take care of themselves so they make more good good music... (musicians youre welcome to msg me to chat on this topic). On a closing note, God bless all you generous supporters of your artistic community, whether youre a venue or a listener. You know who you are, and you are loved and cherished more then you will probably ever know ; )
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 16:00:01 +0000

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