For all of my friends on their journey to a healthier lifestyle, I - TopicsExpress


For all of my friends on their journey to a healthier lifestyle, I would like to encourage you and share some of the things I have learned along the way. Also I encourage you to share your tips in the comments. Let’s help each other! Tip # 1: No Excuses Whatever the situation, I guarantee that I can find an excuse, and even justify my reason. Excuses, however, only hurt us. It’s all about mindset. If you decide to eat healthier, then take the appropriate steps to make it happen. And don’t let anything or anyone derail your goals. I don’t always feel like exercising. Some days I feel really bad. But if I give into those aches and pains, I will never be able to overcome them. I’ve ran a race with numbness in my legs and feet, dislocated ribs, and my hip out of alignment. All the while, the negative voice in my head and the pain screamed that I would never be able to do it. But I decided I would not quit. I silenced my negative voice with the right mindset. At one point I thought, I will finish this race if I have to crawl. We believe whatever we tell ourselves. We can be our biggest inspiration or largest stumbling block. It’s all up to us. So today I hope you will put that negative voice where it belongs—out of your mind. And do something good for yourself, right now. Make good choices and decide with each one if your choice A) helps you to achieve your goals or B) hinders you. Sometimes we have to give ourselves tough love and step out of our own way. I tell myself continuously, “This is your life! Don’t let anyone or anything take it away from you! Show yourself some love today.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 16:29:08 +0000

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