For all of you (especially my brothers and sisters in Christ!) who - TopicsExpress


For all of you (especially my brothers and sisters in Christ!) who think youve had bad or blah or stressful day, let me share my experience on tonight that snapped me back to reality. So Im sitting in Whole Foods eating soup because I wasnt feeling all that great today and as Im leaving I pass a family standing outside in barely enough clothing for the 40 degree weather (mother, father, two pre-teen girls) and of course in my self-absorbed mode, I begin to pass them, when the Holy Spirit says, Go back. So I go back and see that the father is holding a sign that says that the family is in need of food, as he has just lost his job. Now, by this point, I have discerned that this is legit, because I looked into the fathers eyes and I could see the shame and humiliation at having to do this, so I begin to ask the mother what was going on with the family. They barely speak English, but she explains to me that they have just moved from Romania, and the father had a job in construction but lost it, so while they currently have a place to live, they had no money left for food. So I offer to buy them the groceries and the look of relief and joy on the mothers face, almost made me cry on the spot. We went inside, and I told her, get what you need for your family. Shes picking out the most meager items, barely enough for a family of four, so I keep suggesting items and she says she doesnt want to spend all my money, she keeps thanking me and thanking God. As she is shopping, the mother and I talk about God and church and I find out that they are Christian. I am trying to make conversation with the 10yr old, who is so sweet but knows almost no English. I begin teaching her some English phrases and words and talk to her about God. At the end of the shopping, which is barely $50 worth of food, we go back outside and I find out further that the family is from Paterson, where I work, so I can help them find resources and job resources for the father. The father is crying when he sees his wife and daughter come back out with the food, and we pray and exchange information. I go back to my car and weep, because God always presents me with these types of situations to illustrate to me live and in person where my heart and priorities are and how they need to get back on track, how to humble myself and see the people and the world through Jesus eyes. It is serving and ministering to the hopeless, the broken, the lost, the hungry, the hurting people of this world that is our mission, our purpose, our joy. Thank you Lord for the opportunity and reminder.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 02:03:05 +0000

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