For all the young ones out there bruises heal but words engrave - TopicsExpress


For all the young ones out there bruises heal but words engrave themselves in our hearts, words can hurt worse than any blow, becareful what you say to others, stand strong and always remember the only person you need to impress is yourself. Everyone is different thats what makes us interesting. What one likes another may not but who really cares, i cant say i myself experienced much bullying because i never really cared about others opinions of me, i was who i was and my friends excepted me the way i was and no matter what i had them and still do, the whole world doesnt have to like you and they wont someone always has something bad to say. and another thing cause i hear it so often calling other kids fake really you dont even know who are, your just starting to experience life of course your all fake your all children you finding out what you like what your good at your starting to mold yourself into who you will become. embrace who you are, people bully because of jealousy always remember that. I tell my girls all the time they are beautiful, intelligent, smart girls who could do anything they put their minds to and not to let anyone tell them ay different. because i know the pressures of being a child and tryng to live up to others standards. not only do we need to make sure our children arent being bullied we need to boost re children up so when it does happen they know they are better than that. preparing them and boosting up their self esteem is our job so no one can cut them down. we as parents set the foundation for our children not only how they treat others but their reactions to how others treat them. my little girl has dealt with bullying since she started school and i told her she will always have to deal with it at every age in life but as long as she stands strong takes up for herself and treats others how she wants to be treated she can over come any bad name someone calls her. i would give anything to never see my children in pain but this day and age it happens all to often and no matter what being the one whos bullyied or being the bully we need to talk to our children we teach them wrong from right we set the stage it all starts with the parents
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 14:03:06 +0000

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