For anyone who might be interested - Eli is technically on Day 7 - TopicsExpress


For anyone who might be interested - Eli is technically on Day 7 of Pre-K. Every school day has been a struggle. When he gets up in the morning I have to fight him to get dressed in his school uniform and shoes. When we eventually get out the door in the morning, he insists that I carry him to the cafeteria where all the kids are dropped off. He isnt exactly big at 3, however carrying all 40ish lbs of him across the parking lot, in the school, down the hallway, and into the cafeteria (the farthest side of course) my arms are burning! Every door we go through he gets more and more agitated and by the time we reach the aide for his class he is having a full blown tantrum. On the bright side he no longer spends the entire day crying - it only lasts for a short time. Not to mention, yesterday when I handed him over to Miss Crystal (the aide Eli has bonded with) he did resist going to her initially, however when she got him in her arms he turned and gave her a kiss. I told her this morning that she probably gets hundreds of kisses from adorable kids every day but I hope that she understands that a kiss from Eli is special. Not because its from him (although that is reason enough in and of itself as far as Im concerned) but because Eli is not a child who freely passes out kisses. The only people I have ever seen him kiss are Bill, Cali, and Me and generally speaking he is very affectionate with the three of us. He doesnt usually kiss his big brother (even though they are 14 years apart I think there is some sibling rivalry issues there) or his grandmother either. He has sometimes given other family members a quick hug or more often a quick smack on the cheek but that is about the extent of the affection he is willing to show. Knowing that he felt like she was worthy of a kiss from him helped me to be able to leave him without fearing that the patience of the teacher and aides in his classroom will run out when dealing with him. I know thats not likely to happen, however Eli is a very trying little boy. Generally speaking I have unlimited patience and sometimes he gets the best if even me and I absolutely love and adore him. (I probably shouldnt admit that - just know my loss of patience never results in anything other than me having to leave the room for a few minutes til I get myself back together). It sometimes concerns me how people who dont love him like I do will respond to him when he is at his most trying states. As I remember, Billy and Cali LOVED pre-school. Billy walked in like he owned the place and my sweet little painfully shy little Cali walked in and sat down and was her perfect little self. Not a tear was shed. I dont understand why after 7 days of class he still is having issues. I thought pre-school was supposed to be fun!!!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 17:03:31 +0000

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