For some, Mickey was just a dog...for my husband and me, Mickey - TopicsExpress


For some, Mickey was just a dog...for my husband and me, Mickey was A BEST FRIEND, A TEACHER, COMPANION and especially for me a never born child. For almost 14 years this incredible animal was giving us joy, happiness and unconditional love. Mickey chose me to be his Mama...when he was 4 weeks old he got out of a plastic kids playground and very firmly came up to me. I was asked to chose among 7 Pug puppies...Mickey chose me. Mickey was with me when I was in my lowest points of life and he was with me when I was in my highest - he was waiting for me every day and every night to give me a kiss and hug and curl up his little tail...My Mickey helped me to understand better the world around me, to be more grateful and appreciative, to give and forgive... he, my dog Mickey was my life teacher, my passionate friend and my wonderful child. Today, my husband and I said very painful and heart braking Goodbye to our Mickey. Mickey passed away very peacefully today crossing the Rainbow Bridge to the Other Side
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 00:42:38 +0000

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