For the Elite Eater... An amazing young lady ask me to speak at - TopicsExpress


For the Elite Eater... An amazing young lady ask me to speak at her fitness center. One of her clients had a significant healing of a lower leg neuropathic pain syndrome after venturing into one of our Gen II MBC. The owner of the fitness center had assumed that having the name Dr. Toms Metabolic Boot Camp I was a promoter and supporter of exercise, diet, and fitness. WOW what a mistake that was! I explained to her what an honor it was to receive her request but I would have to respectfully decline the invitation. Why!? she asked. Because the first thing I would tell your clients would be to stop exercising for weight loss and the next thing I would tell them is the most common cause of rebound weight gain is exercise and diet. Yah, maybe you shouldnt dropped on by... Max result Minimal effort. Some of you have discovered that after a large meal it is very beneficial to consume an organic vinegar( Apple cider vinegar, Red Wine Vinegar,...never white vinegar) for digestion and caloric cleansing(have you noticed the next morning you tend to traumatize the porcelain?) Well, here is a hint for all you advance metabolic maniacs...try taking your ACV mid way through the meal instead of after the meal. the impact is even more profound. When you order your meal ask the server to bring you two fingers( 2oz) of ACV in a wine glass. Half way through your pizza, pasta and steak down the ACV( thatll but hair on your chest...but keep lard of your gut and butt). I find this even more effective than ACV after the meal. Also consider having your dessert first. Yes, I am weird, but they tell me Im beautiful (they being me, myself and I). See you guys next Saturday 9:30 am at Oasis for Next Level Living. need directions call 540 9661423. Our next Gen II MBC is Oct 2014 Register now at 540 966-1423
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 12:46:47 +0000

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