For the LOVE of this breed, this man MUST be stopped. PLEASE read - TopicsExpress


For the LOVE of this breed, this man MUST be stopped. PLEASE read the litany of horrendous practices this kid engages in and blatantly LIES and defrauds people at the expense of these poor dogs... WAKE UP people who like his personal page and his kennel page!!! ARE YOU AWARE OF WHAT HE DOES??? Do you support breeding females as young as 8 months old and back to back litters?? Without OFA/DM clearances at a minimum, with KNOWN genetic heart defects?? BLATANT inbreeding of sister to brother, etc?? BLATANTLY lies about training practices (e.g. claims he does NOT use ecollars, but even his viral video SHOWS the antenna from an ecollar!) and much more sickening and heartbreaking FACTS. PLEASE go look on The Truth About Griffin Shepherd Kennels FB page and make your own decision based on FACTS. I hope that those mutual FB friends and fellow rescuers are simply unaware of what he does and has not liked his personal page and his community page on purpose.... (I have liked and friended or accepted friend requests/accepted likes to pages I later found out I would NOT knowingly support.) Who could possibly be more harmful to our beloved breed than people and backyard operations like him??? Harmful to the breed, to (the small number of) actual legit responsible breeders and to the cause and purpose of rescue everywhere. PLEASE take a few minutes and read the truth and sign this petition below---even the comments on the petition are heartbreaking, many from people who paid $3k for sick puppies, and with congenital defects, who got no support as promised. This is as fraudulent and greedy as it gets in the GSD world... And I respectfully ask that you PLEASE unfriend ME if this kid and what he does you consciously support. I cant be more serious about this. He and his practices fly in the face of everything I believe in. It looks like I have 74 mutual friends that like Augustos personal page and 71 mutual friends that support his GSK community page. It is my hope that you all just didnt know the truth about what this guy is doing. :( And if you are a spy then please pm me so we dont part ways accidentally. ;)
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 07:00:41 +0000

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