For the first time in 55 years, Mary Campbell, a longtime resident - TopicsExpress


For the first time in 55 years, Mary Campbell, a longtime resident of High River, watched the swollen Little Bow River sweep by her home chock full of debris, filth and sewage—coming from developments she said should never have been built. In 1958, Campbell moved to High River with her husband Lee Campbell, who was one of the driving forces behind the original Little Britches Rodeo. Before he passed away nine years ago, Campbell said both herself and her husband had witnessed every single flood since the day they arrived. We’ve seen all of them since we came here,” she said. “It floods every year, but the Little Bow has never, ever exceeded its banks and there it is.” On June 20, when flooding ravaged the Town of High River, Campbell watched with mounting horror as debris, sewage and even trailers rampaged down the creek.“I thought people were in them and I’m waving, ‘come, come, swim,’” she said, becoming emotional. “I really did think there were people in the trailers.” Gripped by horror, the water slowly crept towards her home, ultimately stopping after ravaging her barn and precious garden as well. The house was untouched. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” she said. I have a bad leg, trying to rescue my cat, and stupidly, my rain barrel. I should have let the stupid thing go.” Married to her husband Lee for 47 years, Campbell said she was happy he didn’t have to see their land get decimated by water. Regions of town that were developed had flooded year after year by the Highwood River, long before buildings were constructed according to Campbell. Other regions, Campbell said, should never have been developed in the first place. “(The) Hamptons should never have been built,” she said. “It was an old slough; it was a town dump. It was a mink farm. She said George Groeneveld, former Highwood MLA, had his flood report stuck under the table and that all of his recommendations had been ignored.“We all knew that one day we were going to get the big flood,” she said, noting she has always loved High River. Campbell also named Wallaceville as a place that should never have been developed and that Beachwood used to be swampland. We took our kids there to pick Saskatoon (berries) and catch frogs,” she said, noting Dr. Mercer, her longtime doctor, once had an artesian well in his basement. When asked whether or not the elderly people of High River should have been consulted in developing plans, Campbell was steadfast in her answer. Oh, well, we don’t know anything,” she said sarcastically. They would just be sick to think that this town thought more of taxes than what the old taxpayers’ could see,” she said. Mary Campbell’s heart broke when she learned of the decades of history washed away along with people’s livelihoods.They let these developers build down there in the Willows and there’s all those retired people,” she said. “I know so many of them. They have no homes.” When asked about the serious burns down her left arm and leg, she said two days before the flood, she was struck by lightning while taking her cat out. She was holding a metal rod that held a candle. The cat survived. “Why we weren’t killed, I don’t know,” she said. “It burned a hole through the pot and through my deck. I guess God wasn’t ready for me. I don’t know.”Having fallen when trying to rescue her cat from the floodwaters, the cuts on her leg caused her leg to swell to three times its size and quickly infected. Treated in Calgary, Campbell was released three days later, but, like thousands of residents, found herself unable to return to High River for the first time ever. “I’m telling you, there’s a scathing report coming out on the RCMP and the way I was treated at that overpass,” she said, referring to an ugly, unnecessary confrontation. She noted she would have run into town if it weren’t for her leg being in poor shape. No RCMP can tell her whether or not she can return home to High River, she said. “Everyone thinks I’m frail, but I’m not,” she said. “I’m a survivor, always have been.”Once she was allowed back into her home, Campbell was angry to see mud tracked throughout her home and her grandfather’s gnome broken on the front steps. As the community cleans up and rebuilds, Campbell said many are finding themselves meeting their neighbours, some for the very first time. However, Mary Campbell’s fight against developers who built on flood plains causes her untold grief. We had a wonderful life here on this place,” she said, referring to her years spent with Lee in High River. “But for these developers to develop and sell to these immigrants and poor people with nothing, everything’s gone.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 21:00:01 +0000

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