For the people following my earlier warning post, I am pleased to - TopicsExpress


For the people following my earlier warning post, I am pleased to announce VICTORY on behalf of Blogspot, Book Worms and Couch Potatoes. Keen-eyed community observer, Kathy Hart, very recently discovered that Cyberbully Bethany Booklover Johnson has once again deleted her Facebook account. While preparing this post, I was dismayed to discover my earlier post warning the community of Bethanys bullying antics had somehow been deleted. I have a feeling an unwelcome visitor stopped by the site to report the post as abusive. However, as they say, turnabout is fair play. In the future if a cyberbully manages to delete a post, I will continue to replace it. Did I mention Im half Sicilian? Were known to be stubborn. ;) I will again warn all to be wary of anything to do with Bethany Booklover Johnson. I have a feeling she will create a new persona to once again start trouble. On her Facebook page, Bethany listed the Avid Reader Facebook Blog Site as her place of employment. There are a few on Facebook, but this is the correct link: https://facebook/TheAvidReaderBlogSite In a coincidence too uncanny to ignore, someone using the name of Avid Reader was the anonymous person behind the seven one-star reviews left for Author Rachel Ann Nunes. All unverified purchases, all reviewed on the day Plagiarist Sam Taylor Mullens was exposed. I still cannot prove Bethany Booklover Johnson is behind the Amazon page, but I would be willing to bet she is. Amazon has yet to take the reviews down. amazon/gp/pdp/profile/A2HQDJ3EWM5IOQ/ref=cm_cr_pr_pdp In the future, if you see a new blogger appear who negatively singles out authors or other blogspots, please report it on the page. Cyberbullies do not just go away and we must remain vigilant. Yesterday, we stood together to successfully take down a plagiarizer, today it was a cyberbully. What a great weekend it has been.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 19:56:33 +0000

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