For those of you that are still having trouble grasping the Middle - TopicsExpress


For those of you that are still having trouble grasping the Middle East conflict and understanding what is going on with ISIS, please allow me to use as an analogy the game of RISK. For those of you who have ever played RISK here is the analogy. ISIS is the guy that has been sitting with Australia and Indonesia getting their two free armies each turn, only this time they have a match and get 50 armies that they add on to China, they capture Mongolia, then Kamchatka and from there they attack Alaska and all of a sudden they are sweeping through North America where you only put your armies on the borders and all the middle areas only have one or two armies on them. So the real life ISIS is sweeping through actual towns and lining the Christians up in rows against open graves and slaughtering them like the Nazis did to the Jews in world war II. They are actually beheading people and the young girls they are kidnapping so that they can give birth to more suicide bombers. HAMAS we will compare to the guy that has three out of four countries in South America and just cant seem to roll the dice well enough to ever capture the entire continent so they take all their armies and put them on Brazil and try to capture North Africa but the person that has Africa has piled up a lot of armies on North Africa so HAMAS keeps on rolling all three dice and rolling ones and twos and losing all their free armies each turn but they dont give up and try the same srategy each turn that gets them nowhere, eventually they accuse Africa of cheating with loaded dice or something. In case the Western Media has again failed to report THE TRUTH so HAMAS itself has masked and hooded thugs kidnapping people (people in Gaza) and executing them in the streets in broad daylight. These people are accused of being Israeli spies. Even Mahmoud Abbas the president of Palestine is comparing HAMAS to ISIS and their tactics are very similar. It is vital that this comparison is exposed to the rest of the world. ISIS has only one thing in mind and that is the eradication of anyone in the world that is not a devout follower of Islam. There are now voices denouncing ISIS to be the incorrect interpretation of Islam. However it is very difficult to hear these moderate Islamic voices. Now there are many voices in the Arab world and the Arab street calling out HAMAS for being similarly despicable to ISIS. Let us not forget that OSAMA BIN LADEN when asked about ISIS was heard to say Those guys are CRAZY.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 23:39:05 +0000

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