For those of you who dont get updates on Charlotte and if your - TopicsExpress


For those of you who dont get updates on Charlotte and if your interested in how shes going, overall shes doing well. Tanya hasnt updated for a while and when you read you will most likely understand why, sometimes just living it is enough to deal with, so if you think that I go on abit much about "Cancer" THIS is just one reason why I will continue to fight, please read and gain some insight, love and respect for a fellow mum and family and also be strengthened and inspired xoxoxo It’s been ages, so I thought I would write a little hello! Our little world has settled into a fairly smooth cycle. It looks a little something like this: Week 1: Monday blood tests, Tues Intravenous Chemo, steroids for a week, sometimes spinal injection of chemo. Charlotte feels extremely sick, tired and we pretty much hibernate at home having lots of cuddles. No school for Charlotte this week. Week 2: Charlotte begins to feel a little better. She is still extremely tired from the previous week’s chemo and her daily chemo tablets. However, nothing will stop her getting back to school and seeing her friends. She comes off the steroids (this is ultra-challenging and often results in lots of terrible words being lashed at us like hate, kill…..). After school time is really hard as Charlotte wants to go straight to bed but we obviously need and want to get some nutrition into her. Every Tuesday Charlotte has a drug called Methotrexate, this is given in tablet form on every Tuesday other than the ones where she has it injected into her spine (which is one in every twelve). I presume this drug is fairly lethal; when Charlotte wakes up Wednesdays she is much weaker and tired. Wednesday nights the feeling seems to get worse and she generally wakes countless times through Wednesday night’s sleep and has been vomiting Thursday mornings. Week 3: Charlotte begins to feel much more energetic and can start to function better. Her ‘Roid Rage’ is still present, in fact during this week is often worse as she has more energy to put into her fits of rage. Just the other day she ripped off the bi-fold door in our hallway as she ran to her room screaming and kicking the walls. It is really scary. Week 4: Pretty much the same as week three, although this week obviously sees Charlotte have the most energy she will have all month and feel the best she will feel apart from Tues night, Wed and Thurs after the Methotrexate. The daily chemo tablets and the steroids make Charlottes muscles ache terribly most of the time. She is also really weak and falls easily. She has tummy aches often and often cries from those, the aching in her body or the nausea. These feelings are pretty common to most kids on these kinds of chemo treatments. As you can see there are still many difficult times for Charlotte. However, we all pretty much know how the months roll now and it means we can plan our lives around how Charlotte will be feeling. One thing I have noticed about Charlotte is she has an amazing ability to fight. When I say fight I mean push through and keep on going. A beautiful friend of mine and I were discussing a saying today “don’t think, just do!” Charlotte does this all the time. She feels poorly and she just keeps on “doing”. Little things like going to school, playing with her friends, wanting to play team sport, helping me cook and clean. I know with Charlotte, if she can she will! And I absolutely love that about her. I am gaining enormous inspiration from her in my life at the moment and I am trying to gain as much as possible from my life as I can. I know it’s been a while since I have written and I don’t really know why it has been that way. For that I am sorry. I will try and put some pics up too, as we have been up to some really fun things….. Oh, I almost forgot! We had some VERY exciting news last Friday. Our Make A Wish flights have been booked. We are heading to QLD in August and we are going to have an amazing time visiting three theme parks and just having lots of fun together. It falls during the last two weeks of Charlotte’s cycle so the timing couldn’t be better. I cried on the phone to the lady. You never ever think you will be one of “those” families receiving a Make A Wish. I was crying because I wish we weren’t receiving the wish, but at the same time I am so, so grateful we are. For so many years we have put our small change into Make A Wish tins, hoping it would make a difference to someone dealing with something you pray you will never have to deal with. Well, here we are dealing with this right now and I just want to say a very special THANKYOU to each and every one of you who have ever donated to Make A Wish. For us, it is going to be a time where all we need to worry about is loving each other and making beautiful memories together. How awesome is that! We head up to Launceston tomorrow night. Charlotte has an overnight stay as she will be in theatre first up Tuesday morning for her intrathecal (spinal) injection of chemo. It’s always tough these last few days of her cycle as you can see her feeling so well, but you feel so sad because you know in a day or two that will all be taken away from her. You watch them push the chemotherapy into her port and you feel mixed emotions. Pain because you know the sickness it will cause over the next week or so and almost a relief because it’s another bag of poison to hopefully kill any nasty cells. As usual, Charlotte is excited to go to the hospital. I know this is because of all of the beautiful, caring and wonderful staff on the 4K ward in Launceston. She had her bag packed yesterday for tomorrow’s trip. She is such a funny little thing. Thought I would finish by writing the words to a song I used to sing to Charlotte when she was a tiny baby in my arms and I was rocking her to sleep. I sang it to her today, while rocking her in my arms and she asked me why I was crying when I finished….. You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You’ll never know Charlotte, how much I love you. Please don’t take my Sunshine away. xxx
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 20:50:53 +0000

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