For those of you with a bit of knowledge about the subject or - TopicsExpress


For those of you with a bit of knowledge about the subject or perhaps just intellectual curiosity... (warning, nerd alert)..... There is no other major country in the world, nor has there been in the modern era, where the lower parliamentary house (based on population, i.e. The House of Commons or The House of Representatives) - is controlled by the right-wing party (political positions or activities that view some forms of social hierarchy or social inequality as either inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, typically justifying this position on the basis of tradition). Basically, the people that are supposed to represent the vast majority, the lower house - are uniformly dedicated to marginalizing that very group in favor of the powerful. In fact they are even more rabidly fascist than the leaders of the right-wing. And in a strange juxtaposition, the Senate is reliably Democratic (if less so now than last week), where usually the limited-seat upper house is a tradition-bound bastion of whatever passes for conservatism in that country. Very strange stuff, a Brit on Quora was trying to figure it out for his MA thesis. Of course the subgroup limited to countries with English-style parliamentary systems, but that is the majority of the G-20 countries (Russia and China being the notable examples, but even they have many aspects of a European system). How would you explain it? His opinion was that it logically had to be racism, it was a very well-supported hypothesis (interviews with Lee Atwater and Karl Rove, etc). I agreed to a certain % point as far as the numbers - I also mentioned blatant (voter ID and hours restrictions) and very subtle (Election Day not a holiday, not protected at all from employers, limited weekday voting time, all American media is pro-war corporate shit, etc. etc.). But still is such a strange thing that this kid is writing a MA thesis on how strange it is. I feel like the America beside my profile pic is a dunce cap when I get into conversations with educated foreigners online. I have to prove myself immediately or they simply do not take me seriously at all, they assume I am a brainwashed idiot. It is a very strange one a little insight into how certain subgroups of people are treated right here in front of us every day. Taste of the medicine, so to speak. I am dead serious about this - go online to the University of Tokyo English Forum or the Oxford chat rooms or even just York Uni in Toronto and talk with some of those kids about politics or economics. They will TROLL you. You finally get to understand how Polish people felt all those years...
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 18:19:38 +0000

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