For those who are out and do not know very much about what´s - TopicsExpress


For those who are out and do not know very much about what´s happening in Colombia, please let me tell you a summary of the story: Once upon a time, we had a country where farmers were able to plant and sale natural products according to their ancestral customs and they were also able to live in their own farms owing their lands. But with the time, and as the soaring ambition of illegal armed groups and abusive governmental politics based on clientelistic practices, using globalization phenomenom as an inexorable shift for an underdeveloped country, farmers life became a nightmare: Forced displacement, massacres, land seizure with bloodshed and fire, and several kind of abuses, violent and unfare treatment is what they have been receiveng for the last 50 years. Now, the alienating idea of (TLC) Foreign Treatment Agreements have resulted on the worst politic ever imposed due to the laws that our government created in order to defend the interest of the industrialized countries in spite of bringing the ruin to our country when it became illegal to sew the best own seeds and there is mandatory to buy seeds to transnational firms that manipulate them chemicaly and producing others genetically engineered. Other consecuencies will be a market flood of low quality products with low prices, the onslaught that advanced equipment, leading edger technology, economical patterns and strong financial backing from foreign governments to their investors here all of these will leave our isolated and abandoned emerging industrial and economic patterns defenceless, lost of our inner commerce, economic death of the middle and small industry, increase of poverty and increase of unemployment among others. Now, Colombian people and particularly farmers are ofended when these new laws where not shared neither discussed with the direct affected ones, this result in humble people acussed and carried to jail as criminals for sewing as they had always done for centuries and for going out to the streets to claim for their rights.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 22:16:13 +0000

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