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For those who do not subscribe to my blog, here is a copy of todays installment. You just MAY change someones life. My second oldest son is a dentist out east. I am proud of him and his accomplishments to date, and I tell him that occasionally. Because he and his family live so far away, we visit face to face via FaceTime, or talk by telephone. I miss him and his family. Some days I REALLY long to spend time with him. This past Monday, he called and we had a nice conversation and shared short stories about our recent experiences. As we were wrapping up, he got serious for a second and said, “Dad, your resilience through your struggles have been amazing.” I did not know how to respond. I sat there for a second and thanked him for such a touching comment. He then said, “Dad, I am so proud of you.” While choking back my tears, we finished up our phone call. That was it. Our 15 minute conversation was over, but the sweet memories of that phone call continue. Today, I reflect on those comments and I start to cry. I try to live my life the best I can. I try to treat all people in a way that I would want to be treated. Have I always been 100% successful? Not just no, but heck no! I have failed more times than I’d like to admit. Have I been a perfect husband and father? My wife could share stories. My kids would attest that I have never won any “Father of the year” awards. In fact, I’ve probably been Average–at best. Despite my shortcomings, and despite my impatience, and maybe less than Christ-like interactions with others, I learned that I have had a positive impact on my son. I cannot express how much that touches me. I encourage you to make the most of each day. You never know when your life will take a sudden change. You never know just who you will touch along the path of life. You may never know how much of a positive impact you have had on your kids until one day, out of the blue, you hear the words, “I am so proud of you.” Even if you never hear those words, keep on doing the right things. You are influencing someone’s life for the better. While you are at it, take a few minutes to tell someone who influenced you how much they mean to you. If you see them as having affected you positively, tell them. You may never know how this will touch them. Based on my personal experience, you just may cause a tear well up in their eye and a lump to form in their throat. You could change their world. You may even help them through a personal struggle you never even knew they had! After all, aren’t we all guilty of acting like life is a piece of cake, even while deep down, we are questioning our ability to just cope, let alone excel. Thanks for following me and for your prayers on behalf of my family and me. We are proud to have you as friends and to be lifted up by you! Until next time, God bless!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 12:44:51 +0000

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