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For those who like a good read, here translated text and the original link. While most Brazilians are the OBA OBA, THAT OUT, OUT THAT, talking heads already showing all the articulated scheme. And they are not here. Here are the oxen piranha ..... . Scheduled presidential election in October of Brazil was seen as a virtual cake walk for the current president Dilma Rousseff. That was until a plane crash killed the opponent rather mediocre Rousseff, an economist and former governor of Pernambuco, Eduardo Campos. On August 13, it was reported that the plane carrying Campos, a Brazilian pro-business centrist presidential candidate, who was third behind the most conservative candidate of the Social Democratic Party, Aetius Neves, economist and advocate of austerity, fell in an area residential Santos in São Paulo, Brazil. Campos was the candidate of the former leftist, but now pro-business» Brazilian Socialist Party. As with the British, Australian and New Zealand Labour Party, the Canadian Liberal and New Democratic parties, and the Democratic Party of the United States, the corporate interests and Zionists infiltrated the Brazilian Socialist Party and largely transformed it into a third way »pro-business party fraudulently retaining the use of socialist designation. Of course, since the disclosure of the National Security Agency of the United States spying on email and phones holders of Brazilian workers party president Dilma Rousseff and her ministers, cancellation resulting from Dilma of a state visit to Washington, and Brazils hosting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and other leaders of the BRICS economic bloc at a recent summit in Fortaleza, the United States has tried to destabilize Brazil. The State Department and the CIA were looking for weak links of Brazil Dilma to create the same conditions that have fostered instability in other Latin American countries, including Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina (through a national standard credit designed by the Zionist vulture capitalist Paul singer), and Bolivia. However, Dilma Rousseff, who antagonized Washington to announce, along with other leaders of the BRICS in Fortaleza, the establishment of a development bank BRICS to compete with the World Bank controlled by the European Union and the United States, seemed unbeatable for reelection. That certainly was the case until August 13, when Campos and four of his aides to campaign, along with the pilot and co-pilot died in the crash of the Cessna 560XL, killing all aboard. The accident has advanced to the head of his fellow vice presidential running the Socialist presidential ticket Campos, Marina Silva Party. In 2010, Silva received a surprising 20 percent of the vote for president as the Green Party candidate. Rather than running as a Green candidate this year, Silva opted to join ticket pro-business fields. Silva is now seen as the best chance to defeat the Socialist Party for President Rousseff in the October election. Silva, an evangelical Christian, in a Roman Catholic country, in large part, is also seen as close to the civil society global infrastructure groups controlled opposition financed by hedge fund master manipulator George Soros. As the leader of efforts to protect the Amazon rainforests of Brazil, Silva has been praised by environmental groups funded by Soros Open Society Institute. Silvas campaign rhetoric is filled with code phrases like Soros sustainable society, knowledge society and diversity. Silva marched with the Brazilian team at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games in London. The Brazil Sports Minister Aldo Rebelo said Silvas participation in the Olympics was approved by the British royal family and who always had good relations with the European aristocracy. Silva is also more moderate than Rousseff of Israeli policies towards Palestine. As an Assemblies of God Pentecostal Christian, Silva is a member of a denomination that provides the core membership for the worldwide movement of Christian Zionists who are so eagerly as pro-Israel, as such, the Jewish Zionist organizations like Bnai B rith and the World Jewish Congress. The Assemblies of God believe the following about Israel: According to Scripture, Israel has an important role to play in the end times. For centuries, Bible scholars pondered the prophecy of a restored Israel. This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will take the children of Israel from among the nations where they were. I will gather them from all sides and bring them back to their land. When the modern nation of Israel was founded in 1948, and Jews began to return from all over the world, Bible scholars knew that God was at work and we were probably living in the last days. In 1996, Silva was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize, which was created by the founder of Goldman Insurance Company Richard Goldman and his wife Rhoda Goldman, an heir to the Levi Strauss clothing company fortune. In 2010, Silva was named by Foreign Policy magazine, edited by David Rothkopf, a former managing director of Kissinger Associates, to its list of Top Global Thinkers. Complete details about the cause of the plane crash fields may never be known. Assisting in the investigation of the accident is the National Transportation Safety Board in the United States (NTSB) and Federal Aviation Administration. NTSB and FAA investigators will surely be in informed and been informed by CIA officials stationed in Brasilia that will be eager to have a conclusion of tragic accident stamped on the final accident report. The CIA managed to cover up his involvement in other accidents Hispanic aircraft that eliminated opponents of American imperialism in Latin America. On July 31, 1981, Panamanian President Omar Torrijos died when his plane from Panama Air Force crashed near Penonomé, Panama. After the invasion of Panama, George HW Bush, in 1989, documents the investigation of the plane crash Panama owned by the Panamanian government of Manuel Noriega in general would have been seized by the American military and they disappeared. Two months before Torrijos was killed, the Ecuadorian president Jaime Roldos, a populist leader who stood up to the United States, was killed when his plane Super King Air operated as a VIP aircraft for the Ecuadorian Air Force, collided with Huairapungo mountain in the province Shop. The aircraft also performed the first lady of Ecuador and defense minister, and his wife. They were all killed in the accident. The plane had no flight data recorder, also known as a black box. Zurich, Switzerland police conducted their own investigation discovered that the official investigation of the Ecuadorian government was seriously damaged. For example, the report of the Ecuadorian Government about the accident failed to mention that the planes engines were disabled before the aircraft crashed into the mountain side. As with the plane of Roldos, Cessna Campos did not have a flight data recorder. In addition, the Brazilian Air Force announced that two hours of audio voice recorder in the cockpit Cessna Campos board does not reflect the conversations between the pilot, co-pilot and ground control on August 13 The cockpit voice recorder of the aboard the ill-fated Cessna 560XL was manufactured by L-3 Communications, Inc. New York. L-3 is a large US intelligence contractor that provides the National Security Agency with much of its capacity submarine cable playing through an agreement with Global Crossing subsidiary NSA L-3. Although Brazilian presidential Campos had enemy of the United States, his suspicious death a few months before the presidential election and replacement by a darling of the infrastructure of George Soros, is now an electoral threat of Dilma Rousseff, who is definitely considered an enemy by Washington . The United States and the Soros has sought various ways to penetrate and disrupt the BRICS nations. The Soros / CIA attempt to advance the Chinese Politburo member Bo Xilai for the Chinese presidency collapsed when he and his wife were arrested and imprisoned for corruption. With Russia and South Africa off-limits to any such intrigue, India and Brazil are the focus for the CIA and Soros interruption of BRICS. Although the government of Narendra Modi right in India is new, the first signs of disturbance BRICS are encouraging. For example, the Foreign Minister of India, Sushma Swaraj, as a sincere and committed ally of Israel. Brazil under Rousseff is seen by the CIA and Soros as the best opportunity to enter one of them, here, Marina Silva, leading a BRICS nation to produce a Trojan horse attack on the increasingly important economic bloc. The plane crash that killed Eduardo Campos helped advance a George Soros-funded agent closer to the Alvorada presidential palace in Brasilia. . Wayne Madsen - Another Suspicious Plane Crash in Latin America Bolsters American and Globalist ... Wayne Madsen - Another Suspicious Plane Crash in Latin America and Bolsters American Globalist Interests - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line journal. BRICS. Brazil. Latin America. US. Strategic Culture Foundation M.STRATEGIC-CULTURE.ORG
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 17:16:52 +0000

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