(For those who still take the time to read things longer than 150 - TopicsExpress


(For those who still take the time to read things longer than 150 characters) When a man and a woman enter into a courtship destined for marriage, loving feelings begin to arise that can overwhelm the bodies other senses. Soon the other person is all you can think about constantly. Images of them flood your mind and your heart begins to overflow with emotion as your heart literally skips a beat at the very mention of their name! You want nothing more than to do whatever it takes to make them happy and strengthen the relationship between you. With childlike zeal, you look forward to talking with them, seeing them, listening to them, and just merely being in there presence. You cant wait until the day you get to fully unite the bond for the rest of your lives through marriage. If you have ever had a true conversion experience with God or a genuine encounter with Jesus, chances are you once had these very same feelings toward Him. The sad thing about the majority of married couples is that their first love for one another begins to fade. They slowly stop trying to take their love to the new heights. They become complacent toward one another and, though they dont stop loving each other, the childlike zeal and excitement is no longer manifested. Again, such tends to be the case with our relationship with God. ...you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works... (Rev 2:4-5) Slowly over time, we have forgotten about how much we once loved God and that at one point nothing else in the world mattered. We were willing to do anything for Him. Yet, somehow, life seems to have gotten in the way. We slowly stopped putting God first and went back to shifting the focus on to ourselves again. We may never have openly stopped loving Him, but our actions do the talking for us. If you ignored your spouse, would they think that you loved them? If you stopped wanting to spend time with them, would they think that you still cared for them? If you only gave them one day a week, would that be enough to sustain your marriage? If you know anything about relationships, then you know the answer. God wants to mend your relationship with Him. He wants you to fall back in love with Him. The steps are easy. 1) Remember the feelings you once had with Him, 2) turn around (repent) from the path that you are headed down that leads away from Him, 3) do the first works that you used to do when you were deep in love with Him (i.e. spend time with Him, love others, be self-less). Turn back to your first love... He is waiting at the door of your heart.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 08:45:36 +0000

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