For whoever shall keep the whole law and stumble in one point, he - TopicsExpress


For whoever shall keep the whole law and stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. (James 2:10) Therefore, if you are trying to live by the law and fail just once you shall die by it- for it is humanly impossible to keep. That is the very reason the Jews had to continuously offer sacrifices as substitution for their own lives. But the blood of bulls and goats weren’t sufficient to take sin away entirely. Since every single person is a sinner, that is, we have all rebelled against Gods wishes, so, every single person is doomed to an eternity in hell- separated from light and love- forever. It doesnt have to be this way though- God loves us so much that He supplied a solution. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23) Men die because they sin. If one was perfect they would not then die. The very fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead (this is a historical fact) proves that all our sins were paid for. Romans 4:25 tells us that if just one sin wasn’t taken care of, Christ would still be in the grave for all to see. Jesus, being God AND man, was the ONLY one who could be perfect and keep the commandments- and since He did- He satisfied The Law and then on the cross He bore the punishment of our sins- ALL OF THEM, past, present and future, died and then rose again to show that He had conquered death for us and as a promise to all those who trust in His sacrifice for our sins- that they too will rise from the dead and into eternity with God. This is the gospel.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:48:30 +0000

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