Forty Days of Deliverance Day - TopicsExpress


Forty Days of Deliverance Day 33 **************************************************************** Luke 8:35 King James Version (KJV) 35 Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid. ***************************************************************** And They were afraid. (PT2) As I began to meditate on this passage, the Holy Spirit began to teach me about a different dimension of “afraid, so I had to put it in a second part so that you will understand it from a different angle and perspective. We find this person sitting at the feet of Jesus, and in day 29, we discussed the learning, and teaching meaning behind “sitting at his feet”. Well, guess what? The demoniac, (the man delivered from the legion of devils) was not the only person attending bible study at the feet of Jesus. There were many other disciples that were present observing, and waiting for Jesus to provide instruction pertaining to the deliverance, and the current state of the demoniac’s disposition! They, the disciples too were afraid. Not only because of the deliverance power of Jesus, their “teacher”, but because they had to ask the same question that those who were gathered at the last supper asked when Jesus stated that “One of you will betray me! “ And all the disciples asked “Lord, Is it I”? Those students and followers of the Master Teacher had to ask of themselves and ponder, “If this young man had a legion of demons in him, then how many “unclean spirits, do I have in me? Or “Do I have any unclean spirits at all. I may not run around naked, and break fetters and chains, but deep down inside, I know there is something lurking that causes me to do, or think in some very strange ways”! ....And they were afraid!.... Here therein lies the real fear: What if my ugly behavior, bad habits, selfishness, gossip, unclean lips, uncircumcised heart, lying lips, or poor follow-up (and the list goes on) is not perpetuated or caused by a demonic or unclean spirit? What if it is our lazy, rebellious, un-regenerated flesh, that chooses to have it’s way, instead of being governed by the Spirit of God? Hmmm… BE AFRAID, BE REAL AFRAID… YOU ARE NOW IIN A BAD AREA THAT YOU REALLY DON’T WANT TO BE IN! I remember a few years back; I had the craziest experience while ministering in Kansas City, MO. I was prophesying, “call out”, and the people started forming a line. And as you know about putting a demand on the anointing, I began to flow, stronger, and even more clearly… A young lady had stepped in the line, and I began to prophesy to her. After my first 3 or 4 sentences or prophesy, she fell out! At first, my pride got the best of me, and I thought the anointing that was on me was just that powerful until I turned, and the Lord said… Stand her back up, she didn’t fall out under the anointing, and she jus does not want to hear what I have to say to her. (Why she got in line, I don’t know… maybe she was testing my gift… who knows?). But anyway God pulled me back, and told me to whisper in her ear EXACTLY what he was getting ready to tell me… God said…tell her “You can keep as many demons, and devil spirits that you want! And that “familiar spirit that you are being led by, is not your loved one or friend” it’s a demon too! Now when you are ready to not release, but CAST OUT that familiar spirit, the rest of the unclean spirits can be released…”.. I looked at her in the eye and Clapped my hands one time! She really went down, and the force took two of the catchers down with her! I am saying, many of us are afraid, believe it or not, because we have gotten comfortable with “our demons”, and many have made pacts with familiar spirits, and the question our flesh and minds ask, is who will we be without them? What will it cost us, if we CAST THEM OUT? As a result, many of us continue on, not receiving full-deliverance! I know it sounds strange, byt I ask you the question: What are you afraid of then? I want to bring a healing story of the same principle. My sister told me a story of an aquaintant that was wheel chair bound, and had not been able to walk for several years. They had attended a Kathryn Khulman healing service, and the woman was miraculously healed. This woman, being fully healed, walked all the way from her seat to the stage to give her testimony. Well, within a matter of hours, the woman was back in the wheel chair. Physically unable to stand or walk again. Why? She knew that her husband was staying with her, and would not leave or divorce her, because he felt obligated to assist her and support her… Watch this: As long as she was crippled and wheel-chair bound. If she regained her full health, she knew it would be the end of their marriage! Jesus asked the man that sat at the pool of Bethesda do you WANT to be healed! It was a matter of the “will” of the man. In closing of part 2, the question is what are we “really” afraid of when it comes to healing and deliverance? Getting off welfare means, having to get up and go to work everyday! That requires discipline and a work-ethic! It also requires being on time. Having a job requires, preparation, and going to bed on time, instead of staying up all times of night, watching foolish reality shows, and yes, being on Facebook until 3 and 4 in the morning! (LOL)… Real deliverance is WORK! I have learned through these 32 days, it is just not the “The laying on of hands, and the shouting, rebuking, binding, and the casting out in the sessions! Yes, that is necessary, however, the real work is in the days, and the weeks to follow! It is the same as going to worship for 1.5 to 2.5 hours on Sunday morning or afternoon. That is not what being a Christian, and living the Kingdom life is all about; it is living out that “sacrifice of praise, into a sacrificed offering of one’s self! It is and putting that flesh on the alter of God as a sacrifice to be burned before Him! It is a model and a metaphor of what is to lived out the other six days of that week! What if we really got delivered from self-doubt and fear? What if we really got delivered from selfish motives, and lust? What if we really got delivered from lust of power, lust of attention, lust of me, myself, and I? What if we got delivered from rebellion, and the need for control? What if we really got delivered from gluttony, and greed? What if really got delivered from inflated egos, and false pride? What if we really got delivered from “churchism”? What if we really got delivered from ourselves? Tomorrow, the wrap up… Deliverance IS the Childrens Bread!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 16:31:20 +0000

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