Foundation Teachings of the Bible Every denomination that teaches - TopicsExpress


Foundation Teachings of the Bible Every denomination that teaches Christianity, or the religion of Jesus Christ, bases itself on the Holy Bible. No system or creed calling itself Christian has been able to live without the Bible. This is because of two reasons. The first is that without it it would be impossible to tell of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, and the second reason is that no written book has ever been able to set forth the folly of being sinful and the wisdom of being good as has the Bible. From first to last it points out that sin always meets with punishment and that goodness meets with reward. This is the basis of every religion that is really a religion, and the Bible teaches it better than any other book. In the Old Testament we are told that God chose the Jews as His own people, that is, the race of men He selected to do the things that He wanted them to do and to show others what a great and mighty God He was, so that they too might believe on Him. For doing this He promised to give them certain rewards. But they, in their pride and wickedness, failed. God then withdrew His promise and punished the Jews, sending them into captivity among their enemies and taking away from them their standing as a nation. Thus was sin chastised. In the New Testament we are told of a new promise that God made. This time, instead of picking out one race of men, as He had with the Jews, He made the promise to all races. This promise was that all who would believe in His Son, who would be sent to earth to mingle with mankind and to live mankind’s life, would have everlasting life. Under God’s promise in the Old Testament, man’s sins were wiped out in the blood of animals that were offered up as sacrifices. In the New Testament and under the new promise the Son that He sent to Earth was to be the sacrifice, once and for all. Therefore, God ordained that His Son, Jesus, was to die upon the cross, thus shedding His blood, as the animals had shed theirs, for the sins of the world. All that was necessary for man, under this promise of God, was that man should believe that Jesus was the Son of God, and to follow His teachings. Thus was goodness rewarded. This, in brief, is the whole of Bible teaching. Upon it the religious faith of all Christians is based. Following it no one can go astray, since it is God’s own word laid down in His most Holy Book.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 01:22:39 +0000

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