Founder of The Revolutionary Slow Living Movement Celebrates - TopicsExpress


Founder of The Revolutionary Slow Living Movement Celebrates Bittersweet Sixteen! On Friday November 13th 1998, I suffered a hemorrhagic stroke and underwent surgery to remove part of my brain. I racked up two traumatic brain injuries in as many days. Learning to live with brain injuries it is hard work. I lost my left peripheral vision and the ability to recognize faces and facial expressions. I gained a seizure disorder and have worked through crippling mental illnesses. Along with the diminished ability to complete the seemingly simplest of tasks, I have limited short term memory and difficulty forming long term memories. At first I was reduced to living in the moment. Now I strive to mindfully accept and live each moment. Yknow, wax on, wax off... If I were to win an Oscar, it would be for my role as Professional Patient representing the 613. Heres an excerpt from my acceptance speech: I wouldnt be here if werent for the neurosurgery team who took me apart and put me back together again. A huge thanks to the staff at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. I am equally grateful to my unknown ancestors who gave me their used parts and to couple dozen living blood donors who kept me alive when I lost more blood than a human body can hold (thats more than 6 litres!). I need to thank my families for carrying me through the toughest of times and keeping me close when I was far gone. I will be forever grateful for everyone Ive known past, present, and fleeting. I may not remember your faces, but I wont forget the warmth of reflecting smiles. Its a beautiful day for remembering. If youre remembering me, please remember you can give yourself away at and learn how YOU TOO can shed 450mL of body weight in blood through Im heading out to feel the wind and be with the dog who saved my life. Party Tip: Raid the Natural Food Pantry for O-Towns best ever cupcakes.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 18:54:18 +0000

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