France had youth riots in 2012/13. The word youth was used to - TopicsExpress


France had youth riots in 2012/13. The word youth was used to deflect from the reality that the problem was actually muslim youth. By deflecting from the truth, the world would blame unemployment for those just entering the work force, or poor education, but no very few were able to see the reality that it was NOT a youth only problem, but a muslim youth problem. Dozens of cars were destroyed, hundreds of store fronts and houses smashed and burned, but nary an official complaint as to the real cause: Islamic intolerance to the lifestyle of France, French people, and their culture. I dont make this stuff up, for those who think I have some anti-muslim in bred hatred. I beg, scream to the moderate muslim world to decry those acts of violence committed by the wahhabist fanatics in the name of your hopefully peace loving allah, because all the world can see is the butchery in the name of allah and NO ONE from that Islamic community saying too much against it, thereby tarring ALL muslims with the same brush of insanity. The moderates needs to speak up ... and YES, there will be a price, because the fanatics will turn on you too, but what price is there to pay for courage? To be a coward is safe, but where does allah put you when it is your time to leave this planet? Will he reward you for letting so many die without one word of protest - hope not.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:59:14 +0000

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