Free Download of thee 18mins short film Ritualistik - TopicsExpress


Free Download of thee 18mins short film Ritualistik Kuttings This is thee film that was kreated for thee title komposition from thee latest full length release by Akoustik Timbre Frekuency on thee Quartier23 label. It was filmed by Subliminal Minnie and features thee processed footage taken from thee main sektion of a Blood Rite performed by thee artist. From the artist: To mark thee 11th year of Akoustik Timbre Frekuency I am extremely happy to announce thee upkoming release of ‘Ritualistik Kuttings’, thee latest full album CD to be released by Quartier23 on Walpurgisnacht. This release has been kreated with thee specifik intent to be used as bakground atmospheriks for a Blood Rite and konsists of five parts: Preliminary Konsekration, Opening, Ritualistik Kuttings, Klosing and Banishing. These provide thee basik framework for thee Rite which kan then be ‘fleshed-out’ by thee participant as they see fit… Also inkluded is a bonus CD of purely akoustik rekordings of some of my Ritual Instruments. I have started to move further towards this style over recent times and wanted to inklude these for this reason. I have been extremely impressed with how effektive some of these have been when utilised within Ritual practices and will be working a lot more with this in thee future, both in thee studio and through live performance. To use a well-known quote: ”Less is More…” This will be ATF’s first double CD release and will be pakkaged in a gatefold digipak, komplete with beautiful artwork kreated by Marc Azrael Hoyland and myself. If you enjoy dark ambient, ritual music or just acoustic ethnic instrumentation, theres no reason you shouldnt buy this album. 10/10 - M, Damned By Light (damned-by-light/reviews/678.html) Thee work was released on Walpurgisnacht 2012 by Quartier23 as a double CD in a gatefold digipak.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 08:12:22 +0000

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