Free Enterprise is the system that allows anyone to start a - TopicsExpress


Free Enterprise is the system that allows anyone to start a business and try to get ahead; and Free Enterprise is also the best tool the world has known for maximizing employment and diminishing poverty. Our enterprise system is the envy of the world. It’s why people from rich and poor countries alike are beating a path to our door. Contrary to what some of our political leaders say, businesses really do create the jobs. They really do build things! Whether they reside on Main Street or even on Wall Street, businesses are not the enemy. Expanding trade through the major agreements now under negotiation will allow U.S businesses to sell more goods and services across the globe. Safely and responsibly developing our abundant energy resources and selling them around the world will generate more of the jobs, growths, and revenues we need. Fostering technological advancement and an open, flexible Internet- free from excessive government regulation will continue to drive prosperity and innovation in our economy. Rebuilding our infrastructure through smart-long term investments will put people to work in a hurry, enable commerce to flow more smoothly and efficiently, and save lives through improved safety. We must push for the necessary reforms to government to ease uncertainty and support growth. Meaningful immigration reform achieved through bipartisan legislation will provide the U.S economy with the workers it needs at all skill levels. Modernizing the regulatory abuses will help restore certainty for businesses and preserve U.S debt under control and reining in runaway entitlement spending that are vital to preventing the looming entitlement spending crisis and will allow the United States to make investments in long term growth and competitiveness. Addressing shortcomings in our public K-12 schools will begin to close the opportunity gap that exists for many Americans. The best thing government can do for the average Joe or Jane on the street level is to teach them business promotion is an integral part of any businesss success, as it is through promotion that a business expands its customer/client base and opens new windows of opportunity. There are many ways to promote a business, and each varies in regards to time, labor and costs.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 03:27:29 +0000

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