Freedom From Mental Slavery Have we significantly - TopicsExpress


Freedom From Mental Slavery Have we significantly de-Europeanized and re-Africanized our colonial education systems and curriculum? Let us find out through answering a few questions: Do our schools make us proficient in our African mother-tongues? Do they ground us in our African heritage? Do they steep us in the myths,legends, proverbs, ethical and aesthetic values bequeathed by our ancestors? Or in the cosmological and philosophical assumptions of our ethnic groups? Do they teach and commend the African architectural,agricultural and ecological wisdom that our ancestors harvested in the course of millennial of living in Africa? The obvious answer to each of the above questions is NO! In not doing these things, our education is still colonial. In 50 years, no conscious campaign has been made to change the colonial character of our education. If anything, change has been in the other direction. For example, within the last decade,European and American universities have opened branches in Black African countries, and are disseminating their view of the world among us. So we still produce Black Africans who are fascinated with European ways, who are mindlessly obedient servants of Europe; who are filled with inferiority complexes; who are culturally de-Africanized,Europhile and Afrophobic, just like those produced by colonial schools...
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 18:08:43 +0000

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