Freedom of Expression: One of the glorified attributes of RepDem - TopicsExpress


Freedom of Expression: One of the glorified attributes of RepDem systems is said to be: Freedom of Expression which sadly is not the only hollow promise offered to those who excercise their "ruht" to "freedom of Choice" by placing the costly 4-5 yearly occasions people are allowed to exercise their right to choose procided it is a simple X on the ballot paper already bearing a small list of choices made for you. Impossible as it may be to have absolute freedom of expression is still claimed to be ours when they have nothing else to demonstrate the truth of their claim of democracy. Impossile? Yes, of course. So how much is possible? zero is definitely a candidate but jokes apart theory and practice are worlds apart in this instance. Like its predecessor religio, politics is even worse when it comes to promises and religious faith being at the heart of the matter. In religion we are meant to have fath and once you submit to that all questioning becomes taboo and unacceptable. However, at the heart of religion there is a nucleus of good behaviour, caring for others and union of purpose. In politics on the other hand the goals could be terrible evil and Machiavellian to say the least tinged with springlings of Darwinian "Survival of the Fittest" and Freudian psychology of the "reptillian species". Expression (meaning the process of letting out your point of view) under such a political system becomes a chaotic and agressive affair the purpose of which will be to harm and not to inform or present knew knowledge or point of view. Thus would inevitably require regulation by government whih will also inevitably resort to its toos of Laws Rules Regulations and a myriad of police security and law operatives as well as a judiciary as bent and unprinciplled as possible to produce result that conform to any human r humanly expected notions of fairplay andjustice. If you cast an eye on the conditions prevalent you will see there is hardly any room left to express any views which do not adhre to the thousands of laws successive RepDem governments have designed and coined to prevent. Thus to defy the system has a very big price and one need to be a near genios to avoid that.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 13:26:24 +0000

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