French Wine and The History of Making It While everyone knows - TopicsExpress


French Wine and The History of Making It While everyone knows that France has been one of the worlds’ greatest producers of fine wines and the grapes that produces it, I have decided to put a little article together about some of the history that comes from the tradition and origins of wine making in wine’s favorite country. Please have a read at some extraordinary facts. A team of researchers from France and the U.S. have found evidence for the earliest winemaking industry in France from the time period from around 525-474 BCE, which points to Etruscan origin and influence. While investigating the ancient port site of Lattara, in southern France, archaeologists uncovered imported ancient Etruscan amphorae and a limestone press platform, (shown in photos.) Based on their shape and other features, the amphorae were an Etruscan type, manufactured anciently at the city of Cisra, (modern Cerveteri) in central Italy. In the year 600 AD gastronomys centre moved to France, where, among other news, the use of salt and spices was banned; food was mainly flavored through sauces. It was produced for the first time a special wine: in 1688 the Benedictine monk Dom Pérignon invented the champeinose method to make Champagne. Ahh, what I wouldn’t give for a bottle of Dom, right now. Of course there are other fine Champagnes, and of course other fine wine products from France. Who wants to tell me some of their favorite French wines or cognac’s? The Duchess In photos: Collecting grapes for wine! A photo of France in the 1920s set in color. Floor mosaic in a chapel on the north side of the ambulatory, depicting the Labor of the Month for October: making wine. 12th century. Basilica of St. Denis, Paris, France.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 16:00:44 +0000

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