Friday, October 10, 2008 RELATIONSHIPS TO MY - TopicsExpress


Friday, October 10, 2008 RELATIONSHIPS TO MY BIRTH... RELATIONSHIPS TO OUR BIRTH: 10.18.2005 Mr. James Edward Johnson Peaceful Warrior MY BIRTH: December, 19th, 1948 (14 May, 1948?!); the year Israel was made a state RELATIONSHIPS? The Spirit compels me to focus on long away, and far ago, when first and foremost, I was with God. It was long before He took me from my mother’s womb. It was not the time He took me from the Mist of Darkness, but, before I was cast into my mother’s womb. It was back when before women had wings, and, the object of my desire, caused me to be called and chosen. It was during the time when men were quite inhumane toward each other, it was a time when men were not, into the Mood of Compassion, for or with, one another. A time when dissimilarities did not compel them to be, nor to become more compassionate one to the other, a time when there was not the Poetry of Felicity. God has been replaced with an apostrophe (when Jesus was asked, “who sent you”, He replied, “I AM sent Me”; so, this means we are all I AM, yet, because of man’s vanity, man has changed I AM to I’m), and thus, God was taken out! It was a time of men’s mysterious ways, in regards to his vanity, and which men called the Politics of Character. These politics led to World War II, because, of the character of men’s vanity. For example, Adolph Hitler’s paradigm to ‘operationally define’ these politics, which was all over the world according to this era’s ‘Politics of Character and Character Ethics’, as disenfranchisement, oppression, occupation, and it came in various paradigms, such as, Apartheid, Jim Crow, Segregation, and since, this ‘definition’ has been referred to as the Holocaust. And some time after May 14th, 1948, the Politics of Personality and Personality Ethics was ‘woven into the fabric of Citizens, Consumers, and Constituents’. Earlier examples, of these ‘politics of vanity’ are known as Slavery, the Reconstruction, the Reformation, Belfor Rule, not to exclude the separation of ‘Church and State’. The politics of such ‘vain character’ ought to indicate that when one does not know ‘their I Am, one cannot know my I Am, and not knowing one another’s I Am, we cannot know His I AM. And it should become readily apparent that there are some American people who are not allowed to ‘assimilate’ into the ‘fabric’ of the American Dream’, but, Only If Legal? I, myself, have lived such an experience, and ‘stand, understand, over-understand’, and have grown and matured to discern that the United $tate$ of America is in ‘dire’ need of ‘Psychotherapy and Relationship Counseling’. After WWII, man’s mysterious ways increased, as men ‘switched’ from the ‘Politics of Character’ to the ‘Politics of Personality’. According to the ‘politics of character’ people are deceived about faith and about being accountable and responsible for their actions and behavior when it is no fault of their own, because of being ‘sifted, tracked, and marginalized, disenfranchised’ (see DSM-4), and watch what happens when a ‘representative of the people’ breaks the law or lies, and especially a member of the ‘executive branch’ or the ‘status quo’! (I mean, come on ‘brothers and sisters of the Spirit’, how can ‘blatantly lying’ be ‘misconstrued’ as ‘misspeak’ or ‘misspoke’; who is ‘misleading’ who folks?) Or the fact that ENTRAPMENT is illegal; yet, their consensus, is by it being a STING makes it legal.....NOT LEGAL, FOLKS These politics are based on man’s ‘separation of Church and State’, because the Politics of Personality focuses, primarily, on man’s vanity, for man’s vanity heralds him to alter the Constitution of the United States, and with ‘vain amendments’, which do not include God’s Promise to Abraham, nor, Christ’s Resurrection. These political interpretations, thus, seal man’s vanity into the ‘separation’ from the Word of God, and from God specifically. Man’s politics would advocate that man govern by the ‘moralizing’ of ‘Character Ethics, and of Personality Ethics’. I advocate for widows, orphans, the poor, the oppressed, the occupied, and those of us who have been called and chosen to fix what others have broken. Mr. James Edward Johnson Peaceful Warrior
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 14:44:20 +0000

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