Friday: Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-12 Text: “to prepare - TopicsExpress


Friday: Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-12 Text: “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Ephesians 4:12 Often believers complain that their spiritual life is at a low ebb. They find little spiritual growth and fruit-bearing. The God of salvation seems far removed from their daily life. Even their prayers appear to bring little relief. Seldom can they speak and sing about the joy of salvation. Is this also the case with you and me? Let us then take note of what the Bible says. Here the Holy Spirit points the finger at us. We are to blame, when peace and joy and hope in the Lord are lacking. We have turned in upon ourselves. We expect others to do for us without being willing to do for them. And yet precisely this God requires of all who belong to His family. Paul tells us that we are to minister to each other not only in word but also in deed. Our chief concern must be the building-up or strengthening of the church as Christ’s body. To that end God has given us gifts of all kinds — prayer, funds, words of cheer, the helping hand, and the forgiving spirit. Each of us is to live for others, even as Christ gave Himself for our sakes. When then we use every opportunity given us, a wonderful “miracle” begins to happen within us. Then our eyes are opened to see that precisely in this way the Spirit is busy “perfecting” our lives. By dying to ourselves and our selfish wills, we taste the joy of living for others beginning in our own families and congregation. And soon we begin to feel more of the love of Christ flooding our hearts. Have you grown in your love for and service to others? Are you helping to make the church a fellowship of joyful love? Even the humblest service we do for others in Christ’s name pleases Him. And as we strive for this during a week of self-examination, we can then come to the Lord’s table singing, “Blest be the tie that binds, our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.” Prayer: “Grant, O God of our salvation, that at the Lord’s table we may have a foretaste of heavenly love. Enable us to forgive each other freely and to serve one another each day in love for Christ’s sake, through whom we come to You in prayer, Amen.”
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:21:12 +0000

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