Friends A friend is always a friend,and a relatives are born to - TopicsExpress


Friends A friend is always a friend,and a relatives are born to share our troubles. Proverbs 17:17 -God gave you friend who journey with you through life.the faces you see,both familiar and new,can actually be the faces of people you can be closest with.More than that,God Himself offers a you His friendship.Jesus,Your God,Can actually walk you through the challenges of your everyday and show you that He is more than a God.He is your fiend who love you at all time!!!! A FRIEND LOVES AT ALL TIMES,AND A BROTHER IS BORD FOR ADVERSITY. (PROVERBS 17:17 NIV.) -A friend is a someone who loves you despite of your weakness.Jesus did just that when He died for your doing so,He embraced your filthiness and took upon Himself the penalty for the sin you truly deserve.Because He loves you unconditionally,He laid down His life for you!!!!! SOME FRIENDS DONT HELP,BUT A TRUE FRIEND IS CLOSER THAN YOUR OWN FAMILY. PROVERB 18:24 -True friend stay alongside you no matter what.They love you even if the whole world turns against you.Jesus was Ridicules for loving sinners.While insult and malicious talk were hurled at Him.He never failed to love people despite of their offenses. YOU CAN TRUST A FRIEND WHO CORRECT YOU BUT KISSES FROM AN ENEMY ARE NOTHING BUT LIES. PROVERBS 27:6 -A True friend does not tolerate your wrong-doing but will scold you,Ever if your feeling get hurt!! Confronted people about their sins but opened His arms wide enough to embrace them with His loving arms when they repent. YOU ARE BETTER OFF TO HAVE A FRIEND THAN TO ALONE,BECAUSE THEN YOU WILL GET MORE ENJOYMENT OUT OF WHAT YOU EARN.IF YOU FALL,YOUR FRIEND CAN HELP YOU UP.BUT IF YOU FALL WITHOUT HAVING A FRIEND NEARBY,YOU ARE REALLY IN TROUBLE (ECCLESIASTES 4:9-10) -Friend help you get back on to your feet again.Jesus was deserted by His closest friends.At the time of His death,He closest associate,Peter,Denied Him.But soon after died and rose again,Jesus restore him and gave him another chance. JESUS is our faithful friend!! and as faithful friend He promise to carry you through every season of your life!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 03:02:32 +0000

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