Friends, I would like to share Foods That Shrink Your Muffin - TopicsExpress


Friends, I would like to share Foods That Shrink Your Muffin Top: ------------------------------------------------------- 1- Avocado. which have been shown to reduce belly fat, and fiber, Just practice portion control and stick to ¼ avocado. 2- Nuts. which help reduce belly fat, as well as Omega-3 fatty acids, which have also been shown to reduce fat, a small handful of nuts daily 3- Green tea. “Green tea is rich in antioxidants called catechins, which may trigger weight loss 4- Yogurt. It’s a great snack option and a must for people trying to lose weight 5- Berries. All berries, including strawberries, blackberries and raspberries, are rich in vitamin C, which has been shown to help combat stress. 6- Water. Drinking eight glasses of water a day will prevent you from becoming parched having two glasses of water before eating increases satiety and cuts the calories consumed.” 7- Red chili peppers. These fire red peppers contain an antioxidant called capsaicin, which has been found by some studies to reduce hunger 8- Fatty fish. Salmon and sardines, for example, are packed with Omega-3 fatty acids. 9-Grapefruit. Besides being packed with vitamin C and filling fiber, this citrus fruit aids weight loss. 10- Celery and fennel. These tasty, crunchy vegetables act as diuretics, helping you to lose excess water you’re retaining. 11- Lean protein. (think: turkey bacon, egg whites or low-fat yogurt) at breakfast keeps you satisfied longer than if you were to consume it at other times of the day 12- Sweet potatoes. They contain a special type of starch that resists digestive enzymes so they take a while to breakdown, delaying the onset of hunger pangs. Bonus: The sweetness in sweet potatoes can also help calm a sugar craving.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 17:22:44 +0000

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