Friends who know me can testify that I am not a war-monger and I - TopicsExpress


Friends who know me can testify that I am not a war-monger and I am not bloodthirsty. I do not hate people unless they try to kill me or my people. I do not believe that all Palestinians are evil nor are all Arabs or all Muslims. I do believe that the Palestinian people deserve self-determination and that implies having a territory of their own. I realize that their territory will necessarily have to be conceded by me. But I will not accept any agreement or concession made under pressure, violence or terrorist blackmail. The Palestinian people need to get rid of all armed factions within their camp before I can make peace with them. Right now, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are trying to kill my people. They are not interested in co-existing with me. They want to make my life miserable enough that I will abandon and leave my country. They are not trying to gain independence - that will only be gained in negotiation with me. And they will not stop until I give up. There is nothing israel can give Hamas that will make them abandon terrorism. Nothing short of the elimination of israel will appease Hamas. The only logical conclusion is that its either them or me. The Palestinian people and the Israeli people can co-exist. Hamas and Israel cannot co-exist. And so there is just one solution: eliminate Hamas. They are out to terrorize the people of israel at the expense of the Palestinian people. Hamas and other Palestinian terror organizations are the obstacle to peace. They are the reason why the Palestinian people are still under occupation. Sadly, limited military operations like Protective Edge are like putting a band-aid on a cancer patient. For five minutes, you feel like youve done something. But the core problem remains. It is now time to do whatever it takes to eliminate Hamas and Islamic Jihad definitively. It will take strong resolve and determination. Many Palestinians will die. Some Israelis will die. But once it is done, the Palestinian people will have a chance to gain their independence. And our two peoples will have a shot at co-existence.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 20:46:33 +0000

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