Friendships, The righteous should choose his friends carefully, - TopicsExpress


Friendships, The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads astray. (Proverbs 12:26 NKJV) Friendship is a powerful force. It has the ability to bind people together for a lifetime which can be either good or bad. A friendship that is based on two people who are mutually surrendered to GOD through their FAITH in JESUS CHRIST is more valuable than all of the worlds riches. However, friendships that consistently interferes with our relationship with GOD is a form of IDOLATRY. UNGODLY friends will pressure us to please someone or something at the expense of pleasing GOD. In addition, they will not respect our spiritual convictions. A friend who pushes us to redefine our Spirit-led convictions is not a friend at all and will not respect nor likely understand the work that GOD is doing in us. Moreover, UNGODLY friends never advance our learning about or understanding of GOD. They only STUNT SPIRITUAL development. GODLY friends are just the opposite. They join us in our common goal to PLEASE and OBEY GOD through words and actions, have a healthy respect for the convictions we have purposed in our hearts, and encourage us draw closer to GODS HEART by growing stronger in HIM. We need to heed the warning of Scripture by taking an inventory of our friendships. Our associations will impact our affections, and if we are around people who dont seek the LORD FIRST, then we probably wont either. These friendships will be another diversion...another idol...that keeps us from seeking JESUS as we should. In contrast, its a wonderful thing to have friendships in this world that encourage and enable us to live for the world to come! Two are better than one.... For if one fall, one will lift up his companion. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NKJV) How many GODLY friendships do you have in your life? What are some changes that you need to make regarding those you call friends?
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 15:41:06 +0000

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