From Aesops Most Famous Fable The Hare and the Tortoise A hare - TopicsExpress


From Aesops Most Famous Fable The Hare and the Tortoise A hare was continually poking fun at a tortoise because of the slowness of his pace. The tortoise tried not to be annoyed by the jeers of the hare, but one day in the presence of the other animals he was goaded into challenging the hare to a foot race. Why, this is a joke, said the hare. You know that I can run circles around you. Enough of your boasting, said the tortoise. Lets get on with the race. So the couse was set by the animals, and the fox was chosen as a judge. He gave a sharp bark and the race was on. Almost before you could say scat the hare was out of sight. The tortoise plodded along at his usual unhurried pace After a time the hare stopped to wait for the tortoise to come along. He waited for a long, long time until he began to get sleepy. Ill just take a quick nap here in this soft grass, and then in the cool of the day Ill finish this face. So he lay down and closed his eyes Meanwhile, the tortoise plodded on. He passed the sleeping hare, and was approaching the finish line when the hare awoke with a start. It was too late to save the race. Much ashamed, he crept away while all the animals at the finish line acclaimed the winner
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 22:17:58 +0000

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