From Barbara Susinno: Good evening Lavallettians, and yes, I - TopicsExpress


From Barbara Susinno: Good evening Lavallettians, and yes, I will try to report on the council meeting tonight for you. Again, remember to go to, our official website, for the full agenda. I write mostly about comments so if you want to get more of an idea of the meeting, that is the place to go for the agenda. A phrase was expressed tonight that went something like this;” dont ever tell anyone that small government doesnt work” This phrase had been brought up because by filing needed application, Coleman Lane was reconsidered for a change in zone elevation which resulted in 3 to 4 houses no longer being classified as being in the V zone (velocity) and therefore saved those homeowners much money as they didnt have to elevate for V classification . One of the Coleman Lane residents attended the meeting tonight and voiced great appreciation for the effort involved to resolve this classification . The LBA Christmas in July, soon to be annual event, was a success and everyone present enjoyed it immensely. Over 200 people attended and the catering was excellent, fun and dancing for all and crafts and Santa Claus as well. The 50/50 won was 1000 dollars and next year hopes to be even a larger win. The Founders Day poster has drawn a lot of attention and people have asked if they could possibly buy one for themselves so they will be on sale at Philadelphia avenue, due to many requests, date and time follow . And speaking of Founders Day, the plaque for the gazebo and grounds, honoring Tom and Joy Grosko, will be dedicated when Founders Day begins at 12 noon on September 6th at the gazebo. Councilwoman Anita Zalom, attended the Senate hearing for the Barnegat Bay and the notion, in the form of a bill, that stated county could take over the running of our beaches had been brought up. It is a bill that requires permission from the beach community to be run by the county and is not a mandatory bill but almost all beach communities want nothing to do with this possible bill as their beaches, and especially our beach , are run quite well without outside government interference . Just say NO is the answer to that one ! It was brought up and emphasized this evening , that the one person who was heroically saved by a Lavallette police officer, from a heroin overdose, was not a resident, of Lavallette and ,in fact, was a female who was passing through our town and heading to another local town. Also it should be mentioned that the syringes found on the jersey coast beaches last week, were not of local origin. Most probably realized that but the way the news was presented, it could have been easily misconstrued to have been refuse used by local people and ended up as debris.. In fact, the origin was not from NJ at all it seems. The NJDOT was brought up tonight for two reasons. One was in response to a resident who last meeting requested more defined crosswalks on 35 south in our town, with marked crossings. NJDOT was notified of the lack of these crosswalks except for traffic light crossings, on 35 south in our town, after a series of many defined crosswalks in the areas north of our town. NJDOT claimed that crosswalks will be designated at 4 streets and with 4 streetlights, that should be enough crosswalks but nothing will be done until roadwalk is completed so by next year we will have these crosswalks. Also NJDOT was requested by our council to hopefully put off the rest of the streetwork until mid to end of september instead of just after labor day as originally planned, due to our very busy september in town. The reason that there is no update concerning federal beach replenishment , is because no further information has been offered . Some easements still have not been obtained it seems and that could be one reason why no further updates have been claimed as of yet. We have no firm answers as to when the replenishement will begin but it was mentioned that it will most likely begin in Barnegat and work its way north. There are no firmed up dates for beginning or ending of this project so we continue to do what we can with our existing dune systems and that being said, it was mentioned we may have access to an abundance of beach grass and volunteers to plant if we are accepted as recipients of both. Paperwork and requests are being submitted. This is the website for the grant our town applied for , in hopes of receiving funds to replace our Lavallette Borough Hall , including the Police station and tenants , the US Post Office. It was mentioned that applying for a CDBG grant had been a long shot but our town notoriously applies for as many grants and avenues to help us as possible . Lavallette, for now, was denied this grant, but again the application had been a long shot to begin with. We were denied funding , for now, for 2 reasons; 1) environmental studies ( environmental impact study I think it is termed), had not been done. I am getting that this had not been known before ground breaking or it would have been done but once ground is broken, it cannot be done . However there are County officials who are trying to help our town bypass this requirement and allow us to continue building while performing an environmental study on the ground. We certainly dont want to stop building for any reason not only because we have a contract to build that is of the essence but also because we need to get our police station up and running asap and our tenants housed (USPS). And 2) our town is not deemed to be in the lower or middle income bracket that is mostly helped by hud CDBG grants Needless to say we are appealing this denial and plus we still have a FEMA funding application for help that is ongoing. We wont give up on either source and will seek outside help to appeal the first and pursue the second, if necessary ,to obtain this funding to help us rebuild. There are many factors that go into building as you know. For this particular building, just the police area alone requires 911 systems,security cameras, coordinations with generators and wiring so there are no wires everywhere as in our old police station. There are issues with steel which has caused delays, including sources of steel, deliveries and assembly of the steel , and all these factors, including many many more aspects of building, need to be sorted out and resolved. The building is therefore a little off schedule but actually not by much . Tax bills went out today to you . Apparently some communities are reporting a 100% increase in tax but we are not one of those communities so do not worry, your tax bills will not reflect an increase. If you are down paying your taxes on the first of the month or so, check out, in the trailer, the Lavallette flag for purchase of just $25. It is a light blue and white flag for your pole or just to hang anywhere and I think you will like to own one! I had no idea that there was such a thing as a Sand Museum but found out tonight that in Seaside Park, on avenue N, there is just that. tallestsandcastle/ . This looks to be a fun and interesting excursion and proceeds benefit “Hometown Heroes” wavesofimpact/surf-camp-dates-information Please do check out these two events featured and sponsored by Waves of Impact, in Lavallette on august 14 and 15th. Have a good sleep and a wonderful week. The weather should be especially nice this week so enjoy the moments .
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:17:34 +0000

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