From Captain Paul Watson Boycott the Animals Advocacy Museum - TopicsExpress


From Captain Paul Watson Boycott the Animals Advocacy Museum Party March 29th in Woodland Hills, California I have never before advocated for anyone to boycott a pro-animal event and personally I support the Animals Advocacy Museum. I even donated a sealing club that I took from a sealer to the Museum. It is a wonderful project except for one little thing and that one little thing is something quite major for Sea Shepherd. You see, this party is being hosted by a man who wants to destroy Sea Shepherd. Ady Gil is suing Sea Shepherd and myself for $50 million dollars. Yes thats right, this millionaire wants us to give him $50 million dollars. $5 million to replace the ship that Pete Bethune lost when it was cut in half by a whaling ship even though the ship cost only one million and he bought the ship, not Sea Shepherd. But he says Sea Shepherd is responsible for the loss. The other $45 million is for punitive damages. He want to punish us because his boat was lost in a battle with the Japanese whalers. Now he does not have a hope in hell of winning this suit but he is spending tens of thousands of dollars on legal fees to force us to spend tens of thousands of dollars on defense costs. Ady Gil says however its not about the money. Its about destroying Sea Shepherd and myself. He seems to have a problem with enemy identification. This man calls himself a protector of animals and even refers to himself as a conservationist yet he is trying to destroy the most effective marine wildlife organization in the world. He actually says in his suit that Sea Shepherd should have abandoned the pursuit of the Japanese whaling fleet and instead we should have towed his wreck of a boat 2500 miles back to New Zealand, something it was impossible to do through the ice and heavy seas. Ady Gil is not about saving animals, he is about wanting to be known as someone who saves animals. Saving whales was secondary to his having a name on a boat. I would like to request that anyone who cares about saving life in our oceans, who cares about animals - please do not attend this function. It will only serve to give credibility to a man who is spending tens of thousands of dollars on a campaign to destroy the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and myself.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:50:49 +0000

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