From Deborah: Good morning everyone. With WORLD DOG DAY coming up - TopicsExpress


From Deborah: Good morning everyone. With WORLD DOG DAY coming up tomorrow, I thought Id just take a moment to post this. I apologise if I bombard you with these causes but I do believe that Facebook and twitter can be a powerful tool in exposing injustice and cruelty not just for animals for but humans too. Yes we use it for our musical exploits, to be heard by the masses but just that for me would be totally insular so I like to use this page in as much as I can to highlight various causes that are close to my heart or I feel need exposing. For those of you that have been following me for a while now you will know that animals are my love and passion. They are the thing that keep me sane in a world where I so easily could have lost it. They bring joy and unconditional love to my world and have been a constant for me while everything else has either flipped upside down or changed. Change and losing people in your life is a difficult thing to bear but my animals (and of course great friends) have seen me through and continue to give me purpose together with my amazing band and the music we create. I hope some of you will take the time to sign this petition and ask MSD Animal Health to stop testing on animals. It breaks my heart that animals are still being used in laboratories for testing. There are alternatives and if one company can use alternatives, ALL COMPANIES SHOULD! it should be the law. They use beagles as beagles are the most placid loving creatures. This should not be happening. Anyway, thank you for all of your love and support… The Band has some fantastic news to share this week.. stay tuned! Much love light and wet noses to you all! Deborah xxx With #WorldDogDay coming this Tuesday, Suzie reflects on her time as an undercover investigator at MSD Animal Health. “ I am proud that I have helped the BUAV bring to the public eye the terrible suffering and killing of puppies and kittens Born To Die in a UK laboratory. Most of all, I am grateful I had the chance to save beagles Bonnie, Billie and Oliver from death. I find comfort every day knowing they are free and enjoying life. But the BUAV’s work does not stop there - with your help, we must do more. Please take action in memory of the 103 dogs killed at MSD Animal Health by signing and sharing our petition today.”
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 08:45:37 +0000

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